Gaun-Yu Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Chief Gaun-Yu Sartile (a.k.a. The Hissing Blade)

Gaun-Yu, the duel-bladed swordmaster was the second official member of the assembly and was recruited by Blanth in the early stages of the assembly. Before the assembly was formed Gaun-Yu and Blanth were the leaders of different tribes and often warred deep in the jungle until The War of Horrors occurred. After this devastating event, they united with a shared goal of protecting their home, living together in peace in the capital city of RuaHardt. Now they live with the protection of their home in mind and are together in peace.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gaun-Yu possesses incredible speed and agility due to his snakelike body type. He can move swiftly and silently, making him a formidable opponent. His physique is honed by years of rigorous training and survival in the jungle.

Special abilities

Gaun-Yu's snakelike body allows him to move with exceptional speed and agility, making him a swift and elusive warrior. His training as a duel-bladed swordmaster has honed his combat skills, allowing him to strike with precision and fluidity.

Apparel & Accessories

Gaun-Yu typically adorns himself with leather bracelets, bracers, and other minimalistic accessories. He values functionality and practicality in his attire, preferring lightweight materials that do not hinder his movements.

Specialized Equipment

Gaun-Yu wields a set of dual katanas, each engraved with a unique word. These blades are extensions of his skill and prowess as a swordmaster, representing his dedication to protecting the jungle and his people.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gaun-Yu has a rich personal history intertwined with the jungle of Ozinland. He used to have a wife and a daughter, whom he loved dearly. However, they tragically lost their lives, leaving Gaun-Yu to mourn their loss. Since then, he has not sought another partner, focusing his energy on his duty to the jungle and its inhabitants.


Gaun-Yu used to have a wife of many years and a daughter whom he had with his wife. However, after their deaths, he has not pursued any romantic relationships.


Gaun-Yu's education stems from his experiences within the jungle itself. He has spent nearly his entire life in the jungle, learning from its creatures and observing its intricate ecosystem. The jungle has been his greatest teacher, imparting upon him valuable knowledge and survival skills.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of Gaun-Yu's notable achievements is his role in creating The Ozin Assembly with Blanth This union of tribes and their subsequent collaboration ushered in an era of peace throughout the jungle. Gaun-Yu takes great pride in this accomplishment and the positive impact it has had on the inhabitants of Ozinland.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite being recognized that the outcome of The War of Horrors was beyond anyone's control, Gaun-Yu still carries a sense of guilt and blames himself for not being more cautious. He wishes he could have done more to save the jungle of Enzkland, lamenting the loss and destruction it suffered.

Mental Trauma

When the The Creatures of the Deep were released, he tried as much as he could to save everyone in his tribe and retreat past the mountains and into Ozinland. But amongst the chaos he could only grab one, his warrior daughter. Immediately he ran as fast as he could towards Ozinland but before he got but halfway, he turned around to see that he was now only holding his daughter's hand and forearm, the rest was gone, without even a tug. This traumatic event haunts him, and the memory of his daughter's fate fuels his determination to protect the jungles of Ozinland.

Morality & Philosophy

Gaun-Yu is known for his strong moral compass. He prioritizes the well-being of the jungle and its inhabitants in every decision he makes. However, his moral stance becomes more ruthless when dealing with threats outside of the jungle. He understands the importance of safeguarding their homeland and is willing to take whatever measures necessary to achieve that goal.

Personality Characteristics


Gaun-Yu's primary motivation is the protection and preservation of the jungles of Ozinland. He feels a deep connection to the land and its inhabitants, striving to ensure their safety and well-being.

Likes & Dislikes

Gaun-Yu appreciates the tranquility and beauty of the jungle. He enjoys the serenity of its untouched areas and the harmony of its creatures. He dislikes those who seek to exploit or harm the jungle for their own gain.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gaun-Yu possesses great strength, discipline, and a strong sense of duty. His dedication to protecting the jungle and his leadership skills make him an invaluable member of The Ozin Assembly.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gaun-Yu's intense focus on protecting the jungle can sometimes lead him to disregard the needs or perspectives of others outside of Ozinland. His single-mindedness and ruthlessness in defending the jungle can be seen as a flaw in certain contexts.


Social Aptitude

Gaun-Yu tends to be introverted and reserved, often speaking in Yuan-ti and adopting a distinct hissing accent. His charisma, confidence, and extroversion are primarily reserved for interactions within the jungle and among his fellow tribespeople.


Gaun-Yu has a noticeable hiss in his voice, a characteristic inherited from his Yuan-ti lineage. His mannerisms exude a sense of calculated precision, reflecting his years of training as a duel-bladed swordmaster.


Gaun-Yu Speaks in Yuan-ti mainly and talks with a very noticeable hiss.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Gaun-Yu




Friend (Vital)

Towards Fros




Fros and Gaun-Yu share a friendship based on respect and admiration. Gaun-Yu was one of the first people that encouraged Fros to leave the jungles of Ozinland to follow his dreams and make a big difference across all of Sarazi. Because of this Fros Respects Gaun-Yu's input and thinks very highly of him.

Relationship Reasoning

Fros is now a member of The Ozin Assembly and is also a very skilled fighter. Gaun-Yu  recognizes the importance of Fros' abilities and his potential contributions in the times to come. Their relationship is vital as they work together within the assembly to protect their homeland.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Gaun-Yu and Fros share a common interest in protecting the jungles of Ozinland. Their commitment to the preservation of their homeland unites them and serves as a strong foundation for their friendship.


Friend (Vital)

Towards Blanth




Friend (Vital)

Towards Gaun-Yu




Gaun-Yu holds immense respect and admiration for Blanth, recognizing his leadership abilities and his unwavering dedication to Ozinland. Blanth, in turn, values Gaun-Yu as a trusted ally and a vital member of The Ozin Assembly. Their friendship is based on mutual trust, frankness, and a shared goal of protecting their homeland. Gaun-Yu and Blanth were once bitter rivals as leaders of warring tribes in the jungle. However, The War of Horrors forced them to set aside their differences and join forces. This shared history of conflict and eventual unity has forged a strong bond between them.

Relationship Reasoning

Gaun-Yu and Blanth starting working together during The War of Horrors and then subsequently formed The Ozin Assembly.. Gaun-Yu and Blanth have a vital friendship that is essential to the success of their joint leadership in The Ozin Assembly. They rely on each other's counsel, support, and strength to make important decisions and defend Ozinland from threats.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Blanth and Gaun-Yu share a deep commitment to protecting the jungles of Ozinland and ensuring the survival of their tribes. They both understand the delicate balance of nature and the importance of preserving the ecosystem.


Friend (Important)

Towards Sodi




Friend (Important)

Towards Gaun-Yu




Gaun-Yu holds Sodi, the Grung Shaman, in high regard and considers him a valued friend. Sodi, in turn, sees Gaun-Yu as an important figure in his life. Their honesty towards each other is frank and sincere. Gaun-Yu and Sodi are both important members of The Ozin Assembly and have great respect for each other because of this. Sodi is much younger than Gaun-Yu in terms of years but life span wise they are in similar spots, this contributes to their shared respect for one another aswell.

Relationship Reasoning

Both Gaun-Yu and Sodi are pillars of The Ozin Assembly, responsible for upholding its values and safeguarding the jungles of Ozinland. Their shared role in the assembly has strengthened their bond and deepened their connection.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Gaun-Yu and Sodi are united in their common goal of protecting the jungles of Ozinland. They share a passion for preserving the natural beauty and balance of their homeland, which further strengthens their relationship.


Mentor (Vital)

Towards Natalie




Friend (Vital)

Towards Gaun-Yu




Gaun-Yu acts as a mentor to Natalie, guiding her within the Ozin Assembly, while Natalie considers Gaun-Yu a trusted friend. Gaun-Yu was good friends with Natalie’s mother when she was part of The Ozin Assembly and helped teach Natalie many things about the Jungle and even trained her on how to use her sword. This shared history and the knowledge passed down from Natalie's mother have deepened their connection.

Relationship Reasoning

Natalie and Gaun-Yu have been friends ever since Natalie was a child and their relationship has strengthened even more so after she was appointed to The Ozin Assembly. Gaun-Yu imparts his wisdom and experience to Natalie, ensuring that she can effectively contribute to the protection of the jungles.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Gaun-Yu and Natalie are aligned in their commitment to safeguarding the jungles of Ozinland. They share a deep understanding of the importance of their homeland's preservation, which strengthens their bond and collaboration.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gaun-Yu is often referred to as "The Hissing Blade" due to his exceptional skill with dual blades and his association with the hissing sounds of the jungle.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow underside with green scales
5' 6"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The jungle's heart beats within us, and we shall defend it with our lives."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Yuan-ti, Common, Draconic, Deep Speech, Grung.


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