

The Kogaian, leader of the Ordo Dracul and the Prince of the City for Chicago. He has many, many foes and some even more venomous friends, not to mention his many Childer and his far more dangerous children.

Hiram has three very close friends and made allies of two of his old enemies. He has Sired five Children - William, Charles, Grace, Heather, and Cynthia. He takes close care of two mortal families - one descended from his mortal life, and one descended from his first victim.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

For an example of one of the traits his detractors consider womanly: Hiram has a fantastic eye for fashion, though he doesn't care for this century's take on it beyond the display of flesh. He prefers delicacy and skill go into his clothing, rather than machined clothing. As such, he spends exorbitant amounts to have his clothes, shoes, and hat bespoke and well-crafted. His suits and ties are some of the finest silk and are inevitably just a little retro in their feel, with French cuffs and just a touch of finely-woven lace.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hiram doesn't like to speak on his past, and keeps much of it a secret. What is known by his Children, for they know more than anyone else, follows here.

Hiram was embraced in New York while he was working as a doctor in the Army. He kept himself fit by working as a Medic and keeping up with soldiers who were rather physically competitive farm-boys. He commanded respect from them through his strength, wit, and charm. One night, off-base, he saw an old homeless man getting beaten and intervened. He shouldn't have. The aggressors turned their inhuman strength on him and he fought back but lost. They nevertheless ran off, to avoid more trouble. The old man that Hiram had defended was an Elder Vampire, and his younger compatriot an Ancilla. Both were Nosferatu, and of the rather chilling Azerkatil bloodline. As no good deed goes unpunished, the elder Embraced Hiram to save his life. But the damage and the drain from turning Hiram were enough to send the Elder to Torpor. The Ancilla joining them dragged them both to safety and raised Hiram to be his Childe, but the Sire Bond was not there.

Hiram doesn't like to speak on his past, but this much is well documented. While still a Childe and not yet a member of any Covenant, Hiram spent fifty years surmounting the Daysleep and overcoming the depths of his curse through training and willpower. By hard work alone, and the constant expenditure and replenishment of his Vitae, Hiram thickened his Blood. Then came the Great Fire. Hiram saved everything he could, focusing on the libraries, and joined the Ordo Dracul by letter. Through couriered correspondence he was able to pursue his studies and deliver treatise after treatise on the Vampiric Condition with other Chapterhouses across the United States until The Great War broke out.

Hiram doesn't like to speak on his past, but it has formed the basis for everything he fought for when rebuilding Chicago. After the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 that oh-so-unfortunately killed his Sire and Grandsire, Hiram used their resources and much acquired wealth to begin putting the City to rights. On October 11th, immediately after the Fire, Hiram was given leave by the others to take control of the City and its surrounding area. Later that same month Hiram sired a Childe and then penned, instituted, and began enforcing the Laws of Chicagoland. The Laws of Chicagoland were sworn to and obeyed by every Supernatural Citizen within the Princedom, as Hiram made it clear that to break the Laws meant to break their bonds with him. As Hiram had been the one to save the Werewolves and Mages that survived the Great Fire despite the risk to himself, both groups agreed to be self-governing but abide by the Laws of Chicagoland and meet to consider city-wide concerns. This peace and co-existence philosophy gave rise to the governing body of modern nights.

Hiram doesn't like to talk about his past but, when pressed, others do. Hiram saved fourteen people that first night of the Fire: a family of four Wolfblooded, a pack of three Werewolves and two Wolfbloods, a Cabal of three Pentacle Mages, a single Seer, and a single Proximi. Their surviving descendants are still being taken care of today, even if they have no connection to Hiram's Princedom otherwise. The other Survivors know, but get nothing from the inscrutable Prince when they question.

Gender Identity

Hiram identifies as "a naturally-gendered" male but possesses certain traits that he would call refined dignity but others would call womanly or gay, it really just depends on the decade.


Hiram was given a full education as a mortal and even attended college and continued to become a field medic for the Army of the United States and then a doctor. It was during his tenure as an Army Doctor that he was Embraced. Since then he has meticulously studied his true Sire's journals and texts and the entire libraries of hundreds of others. He has devoured books and medical journals and ancient treatises on alchemy. He believes in medicine, science, and magical art and combines them into his alchemical pseudo-science.

He has many ancient texts and formulas of Kimiya that the Jaliniyya would commit genocide for. He has, through his agents, rediscovered sites across Eastern Europe of potential import for the Ordo that he sends his children and Childer to investigate. He is one of the few Azerkatil that is not only still active, but also understands the blood alchemy of their ancient rivals the Jaliniyya. And no one but a few of his elder Childer know.


Since 1871, Hiram has ruled Chicago as Prince of the City. Hiram has been the Prince for 149 years straight and has never had to put a single vampire to Final Death.



Former Coterie-Mate

Towards Cyrus



Former Coterie-Mate

Towards Hiram


Year of Birth
1779 AD -226 Years old
Masculine, Refined
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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