
"City of Wonders" Waterdeep is the grandest city on the sword coast. Home to legends and myths it's a small wonder that an everpresent saying amongst denizens of the sword coast is "As goes Waterdeep so too does the sword coast".   It's ruled by an "Open Lord" which is currently Lady Laeral Silverhand. With the office of "The Blackstaff" in charge of the city's protections magical and otherwise. The political elements in the city include the 10 "Masked Lords" whom advise the open lord and make and enforce laws in her stead. The nobility of waterdeep are the true ruling class as both the masked lords and open lord are essentially from among their ranks.


  • Sword Coast of Genabacis
    The Sword Coast is the largest stretch of the western coast of the continent of Genabacis. It's often known as one of the most civilized and tame areas of the continent, primarily due to the cities of the Lord's Alliance and the law and peace there compared to other city-states of the continent.

Trusted Ally

Although the Open Lord of Waterdeep has technical dominion over the Blackstaff & the Force Grey they do most often operate as separate entities. The difference between the government offices of the City Watch/Guard are often so blurry that those who become part of the Force Grey though not government officials are often treated as though they were.    Laeral resents Vajra for being chosen as the 7th Blackstaff for numerous reasons. Not the least of which is her late husband was Kelben himself (the first Blackstaff). Vajra though a prodigy of wizardry is still fairly timid and insecure around Laeral who clearly is her superior both in city title and skill of wizardry. Neither of these two let these interpersonal relationships affect their job or cooperation with one another.


Waterdeep and Baulder's Gate have been historical allies in times of conflict and peace. Though they are neighbors they rarely dispute over resources or laws. It doesn't hurt that Baulder's Gate has always been an industrious Citystate that Waterdeep greatly benefits from.


Laeral and the Masked Lords approve of the Harpers as an organization and often work with them in (open) secret.    The Harpers are more hesitant toward the Masked Lords since the events surrounding the summer of 1492 Burn's Sleep. Specifically the massing of power for nobility in the city of Waterdeep and rampant racism against tieflings.


The famous dragonward of Waterdeep was once made by an exceptional High Abjurer of Darujistan & the fist Blackstaff (Kelben). This relationship demonstrates the over all cooperation of these two city states. Cooperative, helpful, especially in the workings of wizardry.


Lift & the Nightwatcher are known entities in the City of Waterdeep. Laeral trusts Lift both in capability and judgement.


Waterdeep and Neverwinter have been historical allies in times of conflict and peace. Though they are neighbors they rarely dispute over resources or laws. Open Lord to Waterdeep Laeral Silverhand & Lord Protector of Neverwinter Daugalt Neveremember are not fans of one another for obvious historical reasons; however, both are competent rulers and put their cities interest before their own grudges (though both would contest that fact about the other).

Begrudging Ally

Laeral doesn't like the Zhentarim or their operations. She does however approve of the recent teaming up in order to remove the Mansoon Zhentarim and Xanathar Guild in her city and sees the Doom Raiders as preferable.    The Doom Raiders view Laeral as an obstacle to their aims on most occasions but understand the necessity of cooperation in the presence of a greater threat.


Laeral doesn't trust Jarlaxle or his ilk. She does however place the safety of her people above everything else and logically can see the Bregan D'arthe & Arcane brotherhood as powerful. Powerful enemies or allies she's undecided on. The recent events of "running off" the Xanathar and reacquisition of the money in the dragon vault does lean her more toward opportunist than enemy now however.    Jarlaxle views waterdeep as the linchpin to getting into the Lord's Alliance. "Where Waterdeep goes so goes the Sword Coast, or some such"


Laeral doesn't trust Jarlaxle or his ilk. She does however place the safety of her people above everything else and logically can see the Bregan D'arthe & Arcane brotherhood as powerful. Powerful enemies or allies she's undecided on. The recent events of "running off" the Xanathar and reacquisition of the money in the dragon vault does lean her more toward opportunist than enemy now however.   The Arcane Brotherhood views Laeral as an arrogant wizard who is too naive to understand the necessity of power and it's implementation.