Bregan D'aerthe

The Bregan D'aerthe are primarily mercenary & mercantile organization based out of the free city of Luskan far north on the sword coast. Their leader and founder is Jarlaxle Benre. Under his leadership the city of Luskan has entrusted the Bregan D'aerthe to protect them and further the city's interests in foreign affairs.    The Bregan D'aerthe is mostly made up of misfits and minority humanoid races found on the sword coast. Most prominent among them is male drow & tieflings. Most often these individuals join up for better personal opportunity or to escape the Underdark and eventually adopt what passes for loyalty among their ranks.    The primary source of power/income for the Bregan D'aerthe is their trade in Smokepowder and magical goods from the Malazan Empire to the west. For the Malazans have been known to trade with no other nation or city state thus far. Additionally, the ranks of the Bregan D'aerthe mercinaries are known for their expertise in naval combat as well as subterfuge (sapping) and smuggling.
Guild, Professional

Trusted Ally

These factions respect and work in concert to one another's aims so consistently that they are often considered the same by outsiders. To the Bregan D'arthe (Jarlaxle specifically) and the leaders of the Arcane Brotherhood this relationship has proven so mutually beneficial that they account the other as their most valuable resource.    The Arcane Brotherhood manufactures the magical "smokepowder" that is the main export of Luskan and otherwise devote resources to the study and accumulation of magical power. The Bregan D'arthe sell distribute the goods and services the Arcane Brotherhood provides as well as seeks the acquisition of useful individuals and articles that may aid the Arcane Brotherhood in their endevours. They work in concert under the guidance of Jarlaxle in order to maintain military protection for the entire city of Luskan.


Though these two forces are competitors in the underground criminal underworld, especially in the area of subterfuge, the've both struck recent agreement and aided each other to mutual benefit. Notably the destruction of the Xanathar's Lair and victory over the Mansoon Zhentarim in Waterdeep.


The council of four of Baulder's Gate are not in agreement of Luskan and it's denizens and factions; however, they differ to the Flaming Fist Coltaine in military matters and if he deems it worth the risk of allowing them in he'll cast his vote with the Bregan D'arthe & Arcane Brotherhood.    Luskans view Baulder's gate as a productive and realistic community, if still ruled by pompous and racist nobles.

Rivals / Conflicting stances

The Harpers are against the methods of the Bregan D'arthe and the Arcane brotherhood in that they seek means of acquiring power and "security" and don't care overmuch if the means are immoral or not. They are especially dubious of Jarlaxle Benre whom the harpers at least understand as the "unofficial" leader of the whole citystate.    The Luskans on the other hand view harpers as little more than a fairly competent group of spies that are idealistic at best.


Laeral doesn't trust Jarlaxle or his ilk. She does however place the safety of her people above everything else and logically can see the Bregan D'arthe & Arcane brotherhood as powerful. Powerful enemies or allies she's undecided on. The recent events of "running off" the Xanathar and reacquisition of the money in the dragon vault does lean her more toward opportunist than enemy now however.    Jarlaxle views waterdeep as the linchpin to getting into the Lord's Alliance. "Where Waterdeep goes so goes the Sword Coast, or some such"


Though separated by the whole of the sword coast the shipping vessels between these two nation/factions have grown greatly hostile toward each other. One considering the other only pirates, raiding and stealing what they can from the Abjurers. The Luskans viewing Abjurers as singularly closed minded wizards with no respect for their peers, lessers, or for that matter any minority, especially tieflings.


Lord Neveremember has an unsavory experience with Luskan and believes them all heretics, thieves, and whores.