Stammering Syndrome


Stammering Syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder which appears to have both heritable and environmental components. People with the syndrome are ten to a hundred times more likely to have relatives with it than the general population. In Arkhera, where the diversity allows for greater variety of subject diversity, it was found Stammering Syndrome affects all humanoids save goblins, being most common in gnomes, then humans, then elves, while orcs, seers, and spellbinders/necromancers are the least likely to have it.


Stammering Syndrome is defined by the pronounced stammer most sufferers have as a result of the illness. This is often accompanied by twitches or shaking, along with rare cases of coprolalia. Sufferers will often appear as though they're stuck in a loop of a single attempted sentence fragment when in an episode, which can occasionally be broken by gently guiding the sufferer through their intended sentence.


Treatment varies from individuals. Those with mild Stammering Syndrome exacerbated by anxiety or a lack of confidence can often clear up their stammer entirely simply by being in an environment or situation which they're comfortable in, while others simply have to tolerate their condition and the issues it brings.


Stammering Syndrome tends to start its onset between the ages of five and nine, steadily worsening through puberty and often reaching its worst point in a child's early teenage years. From there, the condition often grows milder and more manageable.

Affected Groups

This illness tends to affect teenaged people the worst, but it is a lifelong condition. Sometimes it is exacerbated by comorbid mental illnesses, and is three times more likely to affect men than women.

Cultural Reception

People with Stammering Syndrome are often looked down upon as socially awkward, lacking in confidence or moral fibre, as inherently less trustworthy or intelligent. While the Royal Wisdom of Arkhera, Robb Stagg, famously suffers from Stammering Syndrome, he is generally judged harshly for his condition, and not expected to make speeches or take on non-written diplomatic duties.
Chronic, Congenital


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