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Second Quarter

The Second Quarter, sometimes referred to as the Harbor Quarter, is where Ahonato began on the shores of Lake Kohu west of the Mottagawa. This is still the busiest part of the city, even after additional piers were constructed in Low Quarter.  

Bronze Hall

Main offices for the Bronze Guild.  

Harbormaster's Offices

The offices of Tai Gima, who runs the harbor here and in the Low Quarter.  

Heartwood Blue

A small office building and 3 private piers make up this branch office of Heartwood Trading. They rent nearby warehouse space from the Bronze Guild and Gold Guild.  

Lucky Pig

A cheap tavern, popular among the harbor staff, which also rents rooms.  

Temple of the Lost

A large temple dedicated to the worship of Hamamoto and run the the Acolytes of Shadow.
Location under


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