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Amisaki Atsutane

The last surviving child of Zannur Atsutane and Raluna. Possible future head of the Atsutane Clan.  

Personal History

Amisaki was born in S288 as the youngest of three children. Her older brothers, Yazzi and Yoshi, were already 13 and 14 at the time. The three were raised at Shimaho in the Sky Ward of Nanganato.   In S289, while playing outside with her brothers, the children and their great-grandfather were targeted by assassins. Both of the brothers died protecting their one year old sister before Mitsui Atsutane was able to stop the assassins. Shortly thereafter he also died from fatal injuries, leaving the young girl as the lone survivor of the incident. Although she was too young to remember this event clearly, she has heard the story retold so many times that purportedly it haunts her nightmares on a recurring basis.   From that point onwards, she was protected obsessively and isolated from much of the outside world. Although her parents, Zannur Atsutane and Raluna, did their best to hide the world of politics from her, she was a smart and perceptive girl. She always felt the pressure to perform well, bring pride to the Atsutane Clan, and carry on the head branch.   She knew that both her great-grandfather Mitsui and her grandfather Mitsugu had both been powerful wizards. She also knew that both had sacrificed their lives to protect people that they loved. In comparison, she felt that her father and uncle were pale shadows and resented them for possessing no magic of their own. In time she was distraught to learn that she herself had no talent for the arcane either and became obsessed with obtaining power in whatever way she could.   To make matters worse, Yokono Atsutane led a branch of the Atsutane family which still wielded powerful magic and was constantly campaigning to become the new head branch. Yokono's daughter, Yoshike, was only two years older than Amisake and became something of a rival for her. Unlike Amisake, Yoshike possesses great arcane abilities.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
544 30 Years old
Character Portrait image: by based on work by Takeuchi Takashi


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