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Hatsume Atsutane

Hatsume has served as the Regent of Ganeshuku since S310.  

Personal History

Hatsume was born in S271, one year after her older sister Hiromi and two years before her younger brother Shino. The siblings grew up the Atsutane Residence in Ganeshuku, where their father Shoyo Atsutane eventually became the Regent in S293.   Like all members of the Atsutane Clan, Hatsume studied magic extensively. She never let it constrain her though, and made sure to study a broader set of topics than most. She became a follower of the Lord of Knowledge and even received some divine magic from him as a result.   In S298 Hatsume was married to Taji Suda and in S300 she gave birth to a daughter named Hatsu.   In S310 she eventually took over the role of regent from her father. She was immediately interested in the work of Soshu Lifeforger. Four years earlier he had constructed the 30 Lifeforged who served the city, and with funding from her father he had been working on creating more ever since. Hatsume continued to fund his work, but wanted to become involved in it herself. The more she worked with him, the more she became convinced that he was hiding something and was unable to produce more Lifeforged himself.   In S316 an incident resulted in a riot that destroyed almost all of the Lifeforged. Despite Hatsume's best attempts to hold Soshu accountable, he fled the city and eventually the country entirely. Hatsume was already interested in the creation of more Lifeforged, but now it became an obsession. Some members of her clan felt that she had to succeed in order to prove all of the years of financial support weren't wasted. Other members simply wanted to see the Lifeforged continue to exist and grow. Regardless of the reason, she received a lot of support and redoubled her own research. She took the last remaining Lifeforged in the city, Number 25, to the Atsutane Lodge which she converted into a research base. She hired The Adamant to find and bring back any remaining Lifeforged that had escaped the city. He eventually brought her the remains of a dead Number 26 and a live Number 27. The later eventually escaped, with help from the Order of the Seeking Fox.   During the following two years she became an expert on Lifeforged anatomy and construction. With the funding of the Atsutane Clan she was confident that should easily build more bodies, but during that time she also discovered what Soshu had been hiding from her. Lifeforged each had something else inside them, something like a soul, which was too complex and esoteric for either her or Soshu to create. She concluded that Soshu had procured the souls from somewhere else, likely his former teacher Koba Claycrafter, and that was why he had never been able to create more than the 30 original Lifeforged.   During this time she also began to view the Lifeforged differently. Less as tools, and more as genuine life that should be protected. She even began referring to Number 25 as Soul, because of what they had that she could not create herself. She also referred to Number 26 as Wisdom, in honor of all she had learned from them.


Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
527 47 Years old


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