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Sal is the name used by Lifeforged Number 27, a name that was given by their friends in the Order of the Seeking Fox. Sal is a founding member of that order, as well as a paladin of Salios.  

Personal History

In S306 Soshu Lifeforger created the Lifeforged to serve as guards and workers in Ganeshuku. Number 27 frequently served as a guard for public buildings without even understanding what was inside them. They spent many of their days watching people enter and exit the Temple of Salios across the street.   Number 27 was injured in the Lifeforged Riot and lost all memory of the incident. After being discovered losing consciousness, Number 27 was saved and hidden inside the Temple of Salios by Number 29 and Number 30. When Number 27 work they had no understanding of what had happened, but were grateful to the followers of Salios who watched over them.   In time, the followers of Salios warned Number 27 to flee the city and stay out of sight for as long as possible. Number 27 traveled south west around Lake Kohu until reaching Nanganato. Seeking to do good and help people, Number 27 traveled to Haven to take on work. By mistake they were swept up in a ruise of Naoki Naoko who claimed to be the Crimson Dawn in order to get work for himself, Number 27, and other strangers that had just met a few hours earlier.   The group began traveling together, even after it was discovered that they were not who Naoki said they were. To hide the identity of Number 27, their friends began calling them Sal instead. Eventually the group journeyed to Iron Home and officially became the Order of the Seeking Fox.   Sal has traveled with them to other places since, including Koba's Point where they met Number 29 and Number 30, who later adopted the names Hush and Reach.
Original Name
Number 27
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
562 12 Years old


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