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Soshu Lifeforger

A well studied wizard who is credited with the creation of the Lifeforged.  

Personal History

Soshu was born in Ahonato in the year S250. He grew up not far from Koba's Point, intrigued by stories about the work going on there.   In S270 he began making trips to visit Koba Claycrafter, eventually staying to study and work with him. Soshu thought there were practical applications for Koba's work, and was eager to create a product that he could sell. The two debated the finer points of this issue for some years, before eventually having a falling out around S279.   After this, Soshu left Koba's Point and returned to Ahonato to continue his work. However, the Eastern Province had little to offer him in terms of funding or resources, and he eventually relocated to Ganeshuku. There he found funding and support from Yokono Atsutane, the Regent at that time. In exchange, he promised to provide a stable working force of more life like golems that would require little oversight or maintenance.   After Yokono relocated to Nanganato in S293, Soshu continued his work in Ganeshuku under the new regent, Shoyo Atsutane. A decade passed without much progress, and Shoyo threatened to cut off his funding if there wasn't something to show for it soon. Soshu took a short hiatus to visit Koba's Point again, which had been idle since Koba's death two decades prior. After this time, Soshu began to show miraculous progress, and by S306 he was able to provide 30 working prototypes to the city. He called his creations the Lifeforged, and earned himself the surname Lifeforger.   In the entire decade that followed, Soshu was unable to replicate his success by producing even one additional Lifeforged. Still, the thirty original creations worked well as guards and lookouts around the city. They were rarely put to the test, but when forced to be aggressive they managed to stop most threats quickly and without incident. That was until Shizeni in the year of S316, when a pair of Lifeforged went bersek and caused several deaths and injuries. The South Guard were forced to retire as many Lifeforged as they could track down afterwards, and Soshu himself has not been seen since that day.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
506 68 Years old
Koba Claycrafter


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