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A powerful arcane practitioner and archfey, who perfected a unique form of astral projection called Dream Walking.  


While dream walking he appears as a young boy with messy silver hair and matching silver eyes. In his proper form he looks like an adult man with long flowing hair and rainbow colored butterfly wings.  


In centuries past, Morean surpassed common fey through his own powerful version of astral projection, which he called dream walking. It allowed him to travel faster and farther than astral projection normally did, and to bend time in his favor by spending hours or even days inside someone's dreams while only moments passed in the outside world. Using this technique he explored many planes and collected a great deal of unique and wonderful items for himself. He never expressly sought power, just things he deemed fun and interesting. Especially the kinds that could be used for tricks and pranks.   One item in his collection allowed him to alter the appearance of the moon in the night sky, changing its color and shape, or even hiding it under the right conditions. It was one of his favorite ways to play with sailors at night, until Rhealm created the Twinkling Stars stars which drew attention away from his moon.   On the first day of a brand new year, Morean waited for Keeya to surface at night. He watched as she placed the stars in the sky, and he commented about how much work it must be for her to come and tend to them every single night. He offered to do this work for her, just until the next full moon, so that she could spend that time being truly alone and at peace. She agreed, and gave the stars to Morean, before disappearing into the depths. Morean proceeded to spend the next several nights playing games in the sky.   When the time came to return the stars, Morean had become too attached to them. He wanted to play one last prank, something more fun and exciting than any he had so far. He couldn't think of what that would be though. In order to think longer, he fled before Keeya arrived. Rather than letting the full moon rise that night, he hid it away completely until after the night had ended. He left Keeya a message apologizing for tricking her and promising to return in one month, when the next full moon was set to rise.   Morean spent several more nights playing in the sky. One of the tricks he enjoyed most was using the stars to bother people who were trying to enjoy darkness or sleep peacefully. He thought it was funny that Keeya was enjoying her darkness alone and that was the reason the mortals he toyed with could not enjoy their own darkness. Unbeknown to him, the second day of the second month of the year is Hamamoto's holy day of Darkness. The Dark Goddess did not approve of his pranks. She knocked his stars from the sky and scattered them across the material plane and even realms beyond.   When Keeya found out that Morean had lost her stars, she cursed his name and promised that if he ever set foot above her ocean that she would immediately drag him down to the deepest depths and trap him for all eternity in empty silence. He has spent nearly a century since then seeking the scattered stars in an attempt to reunite them, return them, and beg forgiveness.   During his search, he made a bargain with the Ever Present to hide his body in a pocket dimension while he traveled by Dream Walking. The deal kept his body safe from powerful fey and even deities such as Keeya or Hamamoto. The Ever Present betrayed him when she offered Yumia Southwind the secret to retrieving Morean's body and instructed her to hide the body at sea where Morean could not retrieve it. Yumia kept his body hidden on a boat in the harbor at Ahonato. Morean tracked his body to the city itself, but could not find it on his own. Through Dream Walking he was able to contact kindred spirits in a pair of Kitsune, Naoki Naoko and Xiaohuli. He offered them each a small taste of his powers in exchange for their help defeating Yumia and bringing his body back onto land.
Dweller in Dreams
Lord of the Dancing Moonlight
Seeker of the Twinkling Stars
Holder of the Gray Lens
Date of Birth


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