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Yumia Southwind

An arcane magic user who specialized in the summoning of demons and fiends. She was killed by the Order of the Seeking Fox for helping Motarasu collect pieces of the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key.  


Yumia has short wavy black hair that is starting to show streaks of gray. She has green eyes and fair skin that still looks entirely smooth at her age. She almost always dresses in layered formal looking clothing, an expression of the place in society she believes her clan deserves.  

Personal History

Yumia was born in S273, two years after her older brother Kozue. As members of the Southwind Clan, the two of them grew up in an upper middle class family in Nanganato.   Unfortunately for the siblings, their clan had spent the last three decades clashing politically with Mitsui Atsutane, the Regent of the city for most of that time. The fighting cooled in S263 when Zannur Atsutane took over as regent, but the clan was already on the decline by then.   Yumia showed a natural talent for magic at an early age, but struggled to focus on her studies as much as her older brother. While he was able to enroll in the Academy of the Arcane at the age of 10, it took her until the age of 12 to make it. While at school together, the two developed a reputation of arguing with teachers, disobeying rules, and pushing the bounds of morals and ethics in pursuit of greater knowledge and power. Both siblings were suspended on multiple occasions, and eventually kicked out of the school in S289.   The siblings took this opportunity to renew their clan's political battle with the Atsutanes. Public opinion strongly sided with the Atsutane clan however, and the siblings eventually found themselves exiled from Nanganato.   They traveled together taking on various jobs, many of which weren't strictly legal, and continued developing their abilities. Yumia discovered a ritual that allowed her to open a tear to the Infernal Realm at the moment a living being dies, and she began experimenting with summoning fiends for a variety of tasks.   Sometime in S316 the siblings took a job with Motarasu to attack Okane Manor and steal an artifact being carried by Aiyalae Nightbloom. Unfortunately for them she escaped, and they were forced to trail her all the way to Koba's Point and initiate another attack. After they killed Mahkah the Blade and Yoi Kashiwa, they captured Ryu Shiroma, Black Moon, and Aiyalae Nightbloom. Yumia left her brother to keep an eye on the lighthouse while she traveled to Ahonato to try and recover the artifact that Aiyalae had supposedly hidden there.   At Ahonato, Yumia eventually met up with Motarasu who was in the city trying to expose the Tunsheian that were hiding there. He knew they were collecting artifact pieces and we wanted them. He committed many murders, carved the symbols of the Tunsheian into the corpses, and left them to be discovered. Yumia began abducting people off of the street and using them in her rituals to bolster the number of fiends available for her and Motarasu to use.   Through the use of her Sending spell she kept in contact with her brother and learned when the Order of the Seeking Fox defeated and captured him. On the 26th day of the Golden Moon that year, the Seeking Fox arrived in Ahonato and turned Kozue in to the Iron Hall. Yumia sent her fiends to attack the party, but they were able to defeat some and flee from the most dangerous one. She intended to have it continue searching for them, but the Crimson Dawn was also in the city and banished it.   To her dismay, Uthaz of the Iron Guard began torturing her brother sadistically. She quickly abandoned Motarasu's goals and put her entire focus on freeing her brother and leaving the city. Unfortunately for her, the Seeking Fox found and confronted her before she had time to collect enough fiends for another fight. She tried to work with them, but the discussion quickly errupted into a fight and eventually Emiri Okane dealt her the killing blow.   After her body was dragged back to the Iron Hall, Uthaz used an arcane ritual to speak with the dead. Both Uthaz and the Seeking Fox threatened to torture Kozue further if Yumia did not comply, and the disheartened spirit gave up all of the information she had about Motarasu and his plans.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
30th of the Golden Moon, S316
529 572 43 years old


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