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Morigawa and her twin brother Natsugawa preside over two different aspects of death. Morigawa is in charge of the sacred moment when life ends, and as such she is most often feared or reviled as the bringer of death.   Although her brother controls the fate of the dead after they reach his realm, she controls who enters and who does not. She is not above leaving a mortal alive longer than expected when it suits her or her allies to do so. This power over life and death is something she wields selfishly, and seeing others use similar power without her direct blessing is an offense to her. She may attempt to block souls from returning to life when called by a cleric that does not worship her directly. Unlike her brother, she is not directly opposed to the undead, so long as they serve a master who in turn worships her. Anyone who attempts to pervert life in this manner without her blessing will make an enemy of her.  


Morigawa is an imposing humanoid female, who stands just over seven feet tall. Like her brother, she has jet black skin and her eyes are entirely yellow with no visible sclera, iris, or pupil. She has no hair on her head, but wears a cowl of white linen around her head, neck, and shoulders. Her upper torso is wrapped in similar white cloth, leaving her midrift exposed. From the waist down she is wrapped in a similar white linnen which reaches down to her ankles, leaving her bare feet exposed. She wears golden earings, bangles on her upper arms, wrists, and ankles, and a single jeweled ring on her left thumb. At all times she carries with her a fearsome looking scythe named Closure.  


Morigawa is fickle and self interested. She enjoys her power of life and death, and wields it as she sees fit. She is not above sparing the lives of those who should die as long as it suits her interest. She has no patience for those who attempt to tell her how to make such judgement calls however, or for anyone who questions her in general. She is greedy and quick to fly into a rage if anyone attempts to usurp any aspect of her role. Bringing the dead back to life without passing through her first is a personal offense which she is unlikely to forget.  


Morigawa looks to her brother, Natsugawa, in much the same way that many little sisters regard their older brothers. Not because of any actual age difference, but more so because of the perceived power dynamic. He is constantly worshiped by mortals across Seinnaris, while she is often ignored or feared. She acts like she has something to prove to him, always bitter and resentful whenever she is reminded of his stature over her, but also quick to lord any advantage she has over him eagerly. This leads to minor conflicts and bickering sometimes, but in the end they would always side with each other against anyone else.   She is particularly spiteful in her dealings with Hamamoto, after the goddess of darkness tried to usurp her role as the gatekeeper of death just for fun. Although they reached peaceful terms eventually, Morigawa would never pass up the opportunity for a little revenge.  


Someone who worships Morigawa above all others is referred to as a Morigan.  

Places of Worship



  • Shishanohi is the last day of the year, dedicated to appeasing Morigawa in the hopes of being spared.
Lady of the Dead
Reaper Goddess
Black Goddess
Divine Classification
lesser deity
a counterclockwise spiral
neutral evil
Typical Followers


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