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Natsugawa and his twin sister Morigawa preside over two different aspects of death. Natsugawa is in charge of the afterlife which follows death. Almost everyone prays to Natsugawa at some point in their lives, to look after ancestors, loved ones, and eventually themselves.   Although his sister controls the gate to his realm, he controls the fate of the dead after they reach it. When a mortal enters before their time he neither prevents them from returning nor does he send them back himself. A properly devout cleric will have no problem calling out to a soul in his realm though. However, those who escape by other means pervert death and will most often make an enemy of Natsugawa. He is particuarly unfond of the undead.  


Natsugawa is large humanoid male, who stands nearly eight feet tall. Just like his sister, he has jet black skin and his eyes are entirely yellow with no visible sclera, iris, or pupil. He has no hair on his head. He is adorned from the waist down in a white and yellow colored shendyt and most often walks barefooted. At all times he carries with him a crooked staff named Mercy.  


Natsugawa rarely appears before living beings, but devotees who find occasion to speak with him always find him to be very calm and level headed.  


Natsugawa loves his twin sister Morigawa, even if he doesn't always love the things she does. They bicker constantly, but in the end they would always have each other's backs against anyone.   He is leery about Hamamoto, after her incurrsion on the duties of the twin gods of death. Unlike his sister, who took the attack personally, he knows that the goddess of darkness acted out of boredom rather than malice. Whether that makes it better or worse, he hasn't decided yet.  


It's not uncommon for anyone to pray to Natsugawa, but a follower who dedicates themselves to him above all others is referred to as a Natsugan.   Followers associated with a particular temple are given a more specific title based on their role.
  • Eternal Keeper - The cleric who leads a temple.
  • Death Keeper - Follower blessed with divine powers that helps run and protect a temple.
  • Death Warden - Follower without divine powers that helps run and protect a temple.
  • Gray Keeper - Follower blessed with divine power but still in training.
  • Gray Warden - Follower without divine powers training to help run and protect a temple.


Dead are laid to rest on their backs with both hands resting on top of their heart. This represents keeping what matters most to them, even in the afterlife.  

Places of Worship



  • Shishanogo is the first five days of the year, dedicated to Natsugawa in exchange for looking after ancestors and loved ones in the afterlife.
Lord of the Dead
God of Eternity
Gray Light
Divine Classification
greater deity
a clockwise spiral
lawful neutral
Typical Followers


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