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Yukiko Atsutane

Personal History

Yukiko was born in S216. Her father, Kafu Atsutane, led the first generation of tieflings in the Atsutane Clan and had worked very hard to prove himself worthy of the clan.   Yukiko grew up in Bashuku, where her father was serving as Regent. Yukiko dedicated her early years to studying and practicing the arcane arts. She was determined to prove herself, just as her father had. For her it wasn't only about bettering herself though, it was about proving the rest of the clan wrong and inferior to her tiefling blood.   In S244 Kafu was promoted to Regent of Nanganato instead, and Yukiko took over as the Regent of Bashuku.   In S247 she gave birth to her daughter, Yokono. Yukiko dedicated everything she had to training and motivating her daughter. Like Yukiko, Yokono became obsessed with proving that the rest of the clan was inferior to the tiefling branch. When Kafu retired as Regent in S263, Yukiko sent Yokono to live and train with him in Nanganato.   In S286 Yukiko helped her daughter through a difficult pregnancy and birth. During Yokono's recovery time Mitsui Atsutane retired as Daimyo of the Southern Province and helped Zannur Atsutane take over the role. Zannur in turn named Eledric Kina the new Regent of Nanganato.   Yukiko became enraged with the main branch of the clan for giving away a position she thought her daughter clearly deserved. From that point forward Yukiko refused to have anything to do with them. In S289 when Mitsui and two of his great-grandchildren were assassinated Yukiko was the prime suspect, although nothing was ever proven.   Yukiko passed away In S297.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
Date of Death
472 553 81 years old


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