
Advocates for Justice and Legal Experts

The attorney is a legal professional who represents individuals, organizations, or institutions in legal matters. With their extensive knowledge of the law, sharp analytical skills, and persuasive abilities, attorneys play a vital role in upholding justice, protecting rights, and navigating the complexities of the legal system. They serve as advocates, advisors, and defenders, ensuring that their clients receive fair treatment and effective representation.
Prerequisites: Law School

First Term:

Act/Bluff 2
Admin/Legal 3
Persuasion 3
Psychology 2
Pulling Strings: Attorney

Subsequent Terms:

Pulling Strings: One of the following: Asset Forfeiture, City Hall Archives, DNA Database, Ear to the Ground, Personal Tracking, Security Protocols

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term, Government or Criminal. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, the contact is foreign.
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank per term)
Influence Type: Civilian
Resource Points: 1 per Term
Other Effects: Two secondary activities are allowed per term

Special Adventure:

--Gained a Notable Client/Won a Case Through Questionable Means--
On a 1D10 roll of 7+
Contacts: One per term, Criminal On a 1D10 roll of 10, the contact is foreign.
Pulling Strings: One of the following Chop Shops, Criminal Resources
Resource Points: +1 during this Term and Subsequent passes though this Career
Influence Type: Criminal  

Impact and Importance:

Attorneys play a crucial role in ensuring access to justice, safeguarding individual rights, and maintaining the rule of law. They protect the vulnerable, seek justice for the oppressed, and advocate for fairness and equality. Through their work, attorneys contribute to the development of legal principles, precedents, and social progress.
  Attorneys serve as pillars of the legal system, advocating for the rights and interests of their clients while upholding the principles of justice. Their expertise, advocacy, and dedication to the law empower individuals, organizations, and communities to navigate complex legal challenges and find resolution.   In upholding the principles of justice, attorneys foster a society governed by the rule of law, where rights are protected, disputes are resolved, and the voiceless find representation. They play a vital role in shaping a just and equitable society.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Legal Representation: Attorneys represent clients in legal proceedings, including trials, hearings, and negotiations. They serve as advocates, presenting arguments, and building cases to protect the rights and interests of their clients. They possess excellent oral and written communication skills to effectively convey legal arguments and persuade judges, juries, or opposing counsel.
  • Legal Advice and Counseling: Attorneys provide legal advice and guidance to clients, helping them understand their rights and obligations under the law. They analyze complex legal issues, assess potential risks, and offer informed recommendations to help clients make sound decisions. Attorneys may specialize in various areas of law, such as criminal law, corporate law, family law, or intellectual property law.
  • Research and Analysis: Attorneys conduct extensive research to develop a deep understanding of relevant laws, regulations, and legal precedents. They analyze legal documents, case files, statutes, and legal opinions to craft effective legal strategies. Attorneys also evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of opposing arguments to anticipate potential challenges.
  • Negotiation and Mediation: Attorneys engage in negotiations and mediations to resolve legal disputes outside of court. They skillfully navigate complex negotiations, striving to reach favorable settlements and resolutions for their clients. Attorneys adeptly balance their clients' interests with the need for compromise and cooperation to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
  • Ethics and Professional Conduct: Attorneys adhere to strict ethical standards, upholding the principles of integrity, confidentiality, and loyalty. They maintain client confidentiality, ensuring that privileged information remains protected. Attorneys also demonstrate professionalism and respect for the legal system, treating all parties involved with fairness and impartiality.
  • Continuing Education: Attorneys engage in continuous professional development, staying updated on legal developments, changes in legislation, and case law. They attend seminars, participate in legal forums, and conduct legal research to deepen their expertise and enhance their legal skills.
Civil Lawyer


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