BDS Agent

Safeguarding Diplomatic Missions and Personnel

The BDS (Bureau of Diplomatic Security) Agent is a highly trained professional responsible for the security and protection of U.S. diplomatic missions, personnel, and sensitive information around the world. Working within the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, these agents are at the forefront of safeguarding diplomatic efforts and ensuring the safety of U.S. interests overseas.
Prerequisites: Strength 6+, Constitution 6+, Agility 6+, No Prison Record

First Term:

Investigation 2
Observation 3
Slug Weapons 3 (Pistol)
Unarmed Martial Arts 2
Pulling Strings: Official Agendas

Subsequent Terms:

Armed Martial Arts (cascade: Large Blade, Small Blade, Polearm, Club)
Computer Operation
Slug Weapons (Pistol or Riflie)
Unarmed Martial Arts
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Funding (1 Rank). Mobility, Security Protocals

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Government or Intelligence Community. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, this contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Resource Points: 2 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Law Enforcement
Special: If more than one term is served, add +1 to Initiative

Special Adventure:

--A matter of National Security--
On a 1D10 roll of 6+
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Counterculture Friends, Intel File, Random Surveillance or Stopping Investigations  

Impact and Importance:

  BDS Agents protect diplomatic missions, allowing diplomats to carry out their duties and engage in diplomacy with confidence. Their expertise in security and risk management helps maintain a safe working environment for diplomatic personnel.
  Agents proactively identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities to prevent unauthorized access, espionage, and acts of terrorism targeting diplomatic facilities. Their vigilance and preparedness help prevent security breaches and protect sensitive information.
  BDS Agents provide personal protection to diplomatic personnel, ensuring their safety during official travel, public events, and high-risk situations. By maintaining a secure environment, they enable diplomats to engage with local communities and carry out diplomatic engagements effectively.
  Agents play a vital role in emergency response and contingency planning. They are prepared to react swiftly and effectively during crises, minimizing risks, coordinating evacuations, and ensuring the safety of personnel in challenging environments.
  By safeguarding diplomatic missions and personnel, BDS Agents protect U.S. national interests, maintain diplomatic relations, and foster international cooperation. Their work helps to shape foreign policy, advance diplomatic objectives, and strengthen international partnerships.
  BDS Agents serve as the guardians of diplomatic security, employing their expertise, training, and dedication to protect diplomatic missions and personnel worldwide. Through their efforts, they support effective diplomacy, maintain the integrity of U.S. interests, and promote the safety and security of the diplomatic community.

Key Characteristics:

  • Security and Risk Assessment: BDS Agents possess expertise in security protocols, risk assessment, and threat analysis. They evaluate potential risks to diplomatic missions, develop security strategies, and implement measures to mitigate threats.
  • Physical Security and Asset Protection: Agents are responsible for maintaining the physical security of diplomatic facilities, including embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic compounds. They oversee access control, surveillance systems, and response protocols to prevent unauthorized access and protect classified information.
  • Protection of Diplomatic Personnel: BDS Agents provide personal protection for diplomats, ambassadors, and other high-ranking officials during domestic and international assignments. They conduct advance security preparations, coordinate logistics, and employ protective strategies to ensure the safety of diplomatic personnel.
  • Investigations and Counterintelligence: Agents investigate criminal activities, security breaches, and potential espionage threats targeting diplomatic missions. They collaborate with intelligence agencies, law enforcement counterparts, and host country authorities to gather evidence, conduct interviews, and protect classified information.
  • Emergency Response and Crisis Management: BDS Agents are trained in emergency response and crisis management, preparing for and responding to natural disasters, civil unrest, and terrorist incidents. They coordinate evacuation procedures, provide medical assistance, and maintain communication during critical situations.
  • Security Training and Education: Agents deliver security training programs to diplomatic personnel, educating them on situational awareness, personal safety, and security procedures. They promote a culture of security consciousness, enhancing the overall security posture of diplomatic missions.


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