Character Creation

The abilities and limitations of a character are determined by three general areas of information: background, attributes, and experience. Therefore the character generation procedure follows these three general steps.
Attributes: Players determine the seven basic attributes of their characters by rolling dice. These seven basic attributes are Strength, Constitution, Agility, Intelligence, Education, Charisma, and Empathy.
Initial Experience: Characters begin the game with more than just a background; they also have knowledge of a number of different skills , reflecting training and experience that they acquired before being recruited by the conspiracy. By age 17, after which career determination begins, characters will have accumulated some expertise in a few skills due to hobbies and education. To represent this, players should each choose four skills from Background Skill List, giving their characters a level 2 skill in each.
  Players have a reasonably free hand in choosing detailed career backgrounds for their characters. This background consists of formal education and/or one or more Careers.
  Each character starts out at age 17. with certain minimum skills (these are picked up in the process of growing up, as noted above). Players may then choose to have their characters further their education or enter an occupation. (For purposes of character generation, the term "occupation" is defined fairly loosely, including even such things as unemployment and gang membership.) For ease of calculation, career backgrounds are lived through in four-year terms. Characters may do pretty much anything they please. but must do it in four-year increments for ease of record-keeping.
  Each career listing details the nature of the career, the skills that are received for the first term, and any skills chosen from for subsequent terms, skill points for subsequent terms are determined by consulting the Ageing Chart. As well, each description includes notes of important contacts made during the term, Resource Points gained, Pulling Strings Selection and any special rules for the career's effects on the character's combat initiative. Characters may enter any career for which they meet the prerequisites, but must spend at least one full four-year term in that career before moving on.
  Just as attributes can be generated either randomly or by player decision, so can a character's total career time and final age. Players who wish to use the random method simply roll 1DI0 at the end of each term through their characters' development. If the roll is greater than the number of terms pursued thus far, another term is chosen and the character proceeds; if the roll is less than or equal to the number of terms, the character's progress ends and the adventure campaign begins with the character at that age.
  Those players who prefer not to use this random method may simply choose a number of careers for their characters. Note also that nothing in these rules prevents a character from entering the game at age 17, without pursuing any careers at all. But very few people would be interested in playing such an inexperienced, and unskilled, character.
  Secondary Activities: The careers players choose do not occupy 100% of their characters' time. Just as in real life, a person's hobbies and pastimes can provide valuable additional skills. As a general rule, then, each character is allowed one secondary activity each term. This allows the character to gain one level in any skill (player's choice each term) from the Secondary Activities Skill List.
Some careers allow two secondary activities per term (all of which may be devoted to the same skill, if desired), while a few allow none. The number of allowed secondary activities per term is the number of skill levels received.
  Promotions: Civilian terms have a roll for Promotion. If a character is promoted they gain an additional skill point that can be spent on any skill from the subsequent terms list for that Profession.
  Derived Values: Now that all changes to skills and attributes are completed, certain values are calculated that are based on them. These are things like accuracy with different weapons at various ranges, damage done by bare-handed attacks, and so forth.
  Equipment: Finally, players determine how much equipment their characters have accumulated during their careers.

Determine Basic Attributes:

Roll 2d6 -2 six times them Assign one to each Primary Attribute except Empathy, rerolling results of 0. Empathy is generated by rolling 1D6­ -1, with a result of 0 remaining 0.
If total is less than 33, player may add points to total up to 33

Choose Background Skills:

Choose 4 Skills from the background skill list and gain 2 ranks in each

Background Skill List


Ageing Chart

Secondary Activities


Career Terms

Military Ranks

Derived Values:

Hit Capacity




Throw Range

Unarmed Combat Damage

Joining the Conspiracy:

Recruitment Event

Articles under Character Creation


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