Starguard EIRD Ops Specialist

Masters of Extraterrestrial Investigations and Retrieval

The Project Starguard EIRD (Extraterrestrial Investigations and Retrieval Division) Ops Specialist is a highly skilled and dedicated professional responsible for conducting extraterrestrial investigations, overseeing retrieval operations, and safeguarding humanity from potential unknown threats. As a crucial member of the EIRD, Ops Specialists are at the forefront of understanding and responding to encounters with extraterrestrial phenomena
Prerequisites: Previous Career as Elite Forces, or Marine or SEAL

First Term:

Energy Weapons 4 (Cascade: Energy Pistol. Energy Rifle)
Investigation 2
Observation 2
Tracking 2
Pulling Strings: ARD Transport

Subsequent Terms:

Energy Weapons (Cascade: Energy Pistol. Energy Rifle)
Pulling Strings: One of the Following: Alien Technology , Satellite Surveillance: Intelligence or Species Identification

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Military or Intelligence Community. Roll an 8+ on 1D10 for the contact to be foreign.
Resource Points: 3 per Term
Influence Type: Military

Special Adventure:

On a 1D10 roll of 6+
--Up Close and Personal-
Armed Martial Arts

Impact and Importance:

  Ops Specialists retrieve and secure extraterrestrial artifacts, ensuring they are safely stored and studied for their scientific and technological significance.
  Investigations by EIRD Ops Specialists contribute to humanity's understanding of the unknown and the exploration of potential extraterrestrial intelligence and civilizations.
  The analysis of recovered extraterrestrial technology provides invaluable insights, leading to scientific advancements and potential breakthroughs in various fields.
  Project Starguard EIRD Ops Specialists embody fearlessness, analytical acumen, and commitment to the pursuit of knowledge beyond our world. Their exceptional skills, investigative prowess, and dedication to safeguarding humanity make them indispensable in the pursuit of extraterrestrial understanding and the protection of Earth's interests.

Key Characteristics:

  • Extraterrestrial Encounter Response: EIRD Ops Specialists are trained to respond swiftly and efficiently to reported encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena, UFO sightings, or potential extraterrestrial activities. They act as the first line of defense in evaluating and containing such situations.
  • Extraterrestrial Investigations: Ops Specialists conduct thorough investigations into reported extraterrestrial incidents, gathering evidence, analyzing data, and collaborating with experts in related fields, including astronomers, physicists, and linguists.
  • Extraterrestrial Technology Analysis: Specialists are proficient in the analysis and reverse-engineering of recovered extraterrestrial technology. They work alongside scientists and engineers to comprehend the advanced capabilities and potential applications of such technology.
  • Tactical and Covert Operations: EIRD Ops Specialists are well-versed in tactical operations and covert techniques. They conduct surveillance, reconnaissance, and retrieval missions in both remote and urban settings, ensuring the safety and security of recovered extraterrestrial artifacts.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Ops Specialists work in close collaboration with other divisions within Project Starguard, including Aerospace Recovery, Intelligence Analysis, and Research & Development. Their ability to integrate intelligence from multiple sources enhances the overall effectiveness of EIRD operations.
  • Extraterrestrial Threat Assessment: Specialists assess the potential threat posed by unidentified extraterrestrial objects and phenomena. Their insights guide decision-making, allowing for appropriate risk assessment and countermeasures.


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