Animus Project

A project secretly sponsored by Cardinal Roland Sellers of the Gazel Ministry, who is interested in exploring the cause behind the Black Wind and its manifestations.


Research being conducted by the project is led by Baron Deston Ashwood who uses his contacts at Illiard University to analyze any relics that his agents uncover. This interaction with the University is facilitated through Zuri Palebrand who is the head archivist there. An unexpected additional benefit of achivist Palebrand was her extensive list of contacts. She was able to introduce the Baron to an ambassador of the Luril people: Oshin Kansuke. The ambassador had participated in defeating the Devourer's army five years ago and had remained behind to learn of Asturia and its people    Additionally, the Cardinal has sent Professor Thaddius Winthorpe to assist with Ashwood's research into the Anasazi and Sir Brayden Penrose to act as his representative.

Public Agenda

The existence of the project is being kept a secret to avoid raising fear among the populace, as many believe anything touching on the Black Wind to be inherently evil.
Secret, Occult
Notable Members

Articles under Animus Project