Deston Ashwood

A wealthy aristocrat and a sponsor at Illiard University in Redwall Citadel.

Baron Ashwood is a minor noble that resides in Redwall Citadel. He inherited his title from his father, Ultas, who donated a vast portion of his family’s wealth to the Gazel Ministry and Illiard University before his death.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Walks with a barely perceptible limp.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears fine garments and an amulet of luminous crystal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In his youth, Deston was a student at Illiard University. It was on a field expedition with the professor that he nearly died when the cavern he was exploring collapsed on him and his companions. Only he and his professor were recovered alive, although he suffered a blow to the head and a broken leg.


Contacts & Relations

He is the overseer of the Animus Project which seeks to find a link between the Black Wind, dream crysts, and the increase in the appearance of the Mark. Currently his focus is on the ancient Anasazi and their knowledge of the phenomena. More specifically, he wishes to know more about the historical figure Atsah and his use of the magical artifact known as the "Frozen Flame."
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Articles under Deston Ashwood