Tocho the Spirit Binder

A former shaman of the Dead Eye Tribe, Tocho has joined Gulgar Ghostblood in his quest to "unite" the Odakota Tribes and reclaim their ancestral homeland.   Using the warriors who pledged themselves to Gulgar, Tocho attacked caravans that travelled along the King's Road. He took those he captured and sent them to some unknown location. During one of these caravan raids, Tocho came into the "possession" of Professor Winthorpe who was being escorted to Redwall Citadel by Sildar Hallwinter.   Winthorpe's knowledge of the ancient Anasazi was an incredible stroke of luck as the inner fane of the temple in the Tomb of Blood Overflowing was locked behind runes that he could not decipher. Taking the professor to the temple, he was able to bypass the final door and acquire Atsah's Talon.   How the orc shaman came to know of the Talon—or the location of the tomb—is unknown.   Now with the Talon in his possession, Tocho is empowering Gulgar's warriors with dark and powerful magic.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Tocho took the title "Spirit Binder" after he acquired Atsah's Talon. The power he wields through the use of the Talon is... fitting.
Aligned Organization