Thaddius Winthorpe

Professor of Anasazi folklore from the Royal Capital of Rabanastra.

Sent by Cardinal Roland Sellers to aid Deston Ashwood and the Animus Project, Thaddius Endicott Winthorpe is a Professor from the Royal Academy in the Capital. Winthorpe specializes in the ancient Anasazi and was planning to work alongside his colleague Elmar Drake at Illiard University.   On his journey to Redwall Citadel, the caravan Winthorpe was travelling with was  attacked by Spiritbinder warriors and he was taken prisoner along with Sildar Hallwinter and several other travellers.   When the Spiritbinders learned of his background, he was taken to the Tomb of Blood Overflowing under orders from Tocho. Being a coward, Winthorpe told the orcs that Sildar was his "assistant" so they would bring him as well.   Beneath the tomb, the Professor was forced to decipher Anasazi hieroglyphs that barred the door to the temple. He did so and was, according to Winthorpe, "simply let go" afterward. He made his way south but "doesn't know" what happened to Sildar, as they were separated when they reached the tomb.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Thaddius is an arrogant but cowardly man. He believes that his studies make him superior to others and he regularly comes across as rude and abrasive.
Current Location
Other Affiliations