
Torenvar is the captial city of Renvere and thus, the seat of the King. It also holds the Knights of Renvere headquarters as well as the Antiquis Arcanum, an organization serving the crown on matters of magic. It is the second largest city in Renvere behind Hoss City.     One of Torenvars greatest struggles is with geography. The location was chosen by the first King Toren due to its equal distance between the three provinces, and due to the fact the Crownmarch peninsula was largely uninhabited. It lacks a major source of fresh water, and although the deep wells dug there do offer a good source of fresh water, the collection of rainwater has become common, as during the dry half of the year the wells can run low. The wet season brings with it harsh storms that batter the city and it's largely unprotected harbor. Being directly on the coastal bay means a normal storm can be harsh, and hurricanes can be devastating. For that reason Backbay was founded, a a safer port as well as a closer area to warehouse goods for overland travel to the rest of the nation. The storms have made the trees of the Crownsmarch grow strong, and is one of the few forests Stormwood trees can be found outside Dol Gorak.     There people of Torenvar generally tend to be hard working folk. The king is known for taking good care of the common folk in the region, and they are feircely loyal to him for it. The people keep little faith in gods or spirits, although there are a myriad of local believes, but instead the royal family, and the various knighthoods of Renvere form that bonds that connect the community. Knights are legendary in Torenvar, which is the reason for frequent tournaments held by the crown.

Notable Inhabitants


Knighthoods of Renvere

Renvere is known for it's knighthoods of powerful warriors and mages, heroes who have been elevated by the nobility to an higher station. Renvere has several knighthoods, most of which are centered in Torenvar at the Knights Hall. Some smaller knighthoods have been created, mainly the Knights of Malaster and Knights of Hoss to serve the less those noble houses. However you can find several more at the capital, including the most prestigious Royal Knights of Renvere, who answer to the King directly. There are several other knighthoods based in Torenvar; the Knights of the Realm, the Green Knights, the Knights Sapphire, and most recently, a branch of Celestine Templars.  

Antiquis Arcanum

The Antiquis Arcanum is the center of magic in Renvere. Located in Torenvar, it is a place where young mages can come and hone their skills or apprentice to a more seasoned mage. The Antiquis Arcanum is lead by a council of mages, each specializing in a different type of magic, and each appointed by the king. They are tasked with overseeing the magic in the realm, and that no magic is used to opress or rise up against the crown. They are also tasked with seeking out and investigating magical annomolies and disturbances.


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