

  • Must be a Supernatural
  • Must a citzen of the Kingdom of Merkan


Those found to be supernaturals in the Kingdom of Merkan are brought to the Palace for training. They are usually between the ages of 5 seasonal cycles to 15 seasonal cycles. They are ripped away from their families, a traumatic event for everyone, but as history as taught the Defenders, better than the alternative.   Once at the Palace, they are given clothes, bedding, a 'check-up' by a Healer aka Energy Absorber, and assigned to one of the novice rooms.


  • Train in the following areas:
    • Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
    • Weapon Training (sword and dagger)
    • History
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Basic Math
    • Diplomacy (for dealing with nobles and the regulars)
    • Riding a palyr
    • Control over both of their abilites
  • Learn Defender honor
  • Learn the true meaning of family


  • Have a safe space to learn
  • Have people who accept them for who they are (a family)
  • Have a place to call home

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Novices are removed from this position at the age of 15 seasonal cycles when they are tested on their combat and ability skills. If they pass, they go through The Binding and become a Team Member, making them a full-fledged member of the Darktide Defenders. If they don't pass, they die (standing orders from the King).


This is something that was set up at Crefalls.

Cultural Significance

While this isn't an actual ability, all novices wear white to signify that they are in training, that they are still working on their control, and that they haven't been Bonded to the King yet. All novices wear this color until The Binding. Seanna has the unique distinction of being the oldest supernatural as she was 20 seasonal cycles when she was brought in for training.
Magical, Professional
Still in Effect
09/01/0008 During Civil War
Form of Address
Length of Term
Until 15 seasonal cycles
Current Holders
Reports directly to
Related Locations
Related Organizations
Related Military Formations

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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