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Duurians (DOO-rians)

The Duurians are the Mountain Dwarves of Duurmark, east of Dunor. They can trace their origins back to the Dawning Epoch, when they lived above ground and mined the mountains, much like their Fioran cousins in the north. As a matter of fact, the two dwarf kingdoms often debate who was the inspiration for the other, as they came up together, and have shared history and exchanged innovations for as long as either can remember.

Duurians are mostly miners, merchants and craftmen. The Duurians also have a standing army of professional soldiers, so many of them are soldiers as well.

Most Duurians are dwarves with perhaps 60 to 70 percent living under the mountains, while the rest may be considered hill dwarves, living in the Copper hills between Dunor and the Ash Wastes. Above ground, they are olive skinned, with dark eyes and hair, and the mountain dwarves among them tend to have fairer, but not fair, skin, and more commonly have light brown hair, and sometimes blue eyes.

They primarily worship Pauragus and Luseidos, the former in their daily lives, when working and building, and the later mostly for big moments of transition and change, like births, weddings, deaths and during the three yearly festivals.


Major language groups and dialects

The Duurians speak their own language: Duurian which shares some traits with Fioran, but not enough for speakers to understand each other. Many Duurian hill dwarves also speak the Dunorian of their neighbours to the west.


Languages: Duurian - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Mace, Javelin, Halberd, Greatsword

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Mason's tools, Smith’s tools, Brewer's tools, Tinker's tools
A Duurian King's Guard
A Duurian Noble woman


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