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Fiorans (Fee-OAR-rians)

The Fiorans are the mountain dwarves of northern Sildair, who live under the Rygan Mountains. They have lived there since the Dawning Epoch when their cities under the mountain were just mines, and over the years they dug deeper and deeper, until most of their kingdom can now be found in halls and tunnels in the mountains.

To this day, Fiorans are mostly miners, though more and more of their wealth comes from their craftmen, who make weapons, tools, gadgets and jewelry that is sold all over the human kingdoms in western Sildair. Many Fiorans are also soldiers, as life under the mountain is always challenged by the denizens of the deep.

Most Fiorans are dwarves, and of these, almost all are mountain dwarves, though there are a few settlements above ground, on the slopes of the mountains, where farming and herding is done for the underground cities, and among the people living there some might be considered hill dwarves, ethnically. They are fairskinned and sometimes freckled, with blond and red hair being the most common. Almost all the rest of the Fioran population is made of of halflings, all of whom can be found among the shepherds and farmers above the mountains.

They primarily worship Pauragus and Luseidos, the former in their daily lives, when working and building, and the later mostly for big moments of transition and change, like births, weddings, deaths and during the three yearly festivals.


Major language groups and dialects

Fioran is the language of the Fiorans. It is seldom spoken as a first langauge outside of the Rygan Mountains, but it has none the less had a big impact on the world. The Gorl speak a derivition of it, because of the many Fiorans who went west in the dawning Epoch, and the names of the weekdays in Sarkaran is taken from the Fioran names for The Seven.


Languages: Fioran - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Handaxe, Javelin, Hammer, Warhammer

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Mason's tools, Smith’s tools, Brewer's tools, Tinker's tools

A Smith-Priestess of Pauragus
A Fioran Thane defending his keep.


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