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Quakarans (Kwa-CAR-rans)

The Quakarans are the small folk living in and around Greypine Forest, often called halflings in that part of the world. They have lived in the forest for as long as anyone can remember, and for much of history, they lived an isolated existence, hidden away from much of the rest of the world. After the Second War of Ashes and the rise of Sarkara the Quakarans began to modernize their culture, and started resembling that of Sarkara to a greater extent. They were always great shepherds and farmers, but until the Silver Epoch they lived a simpler, more primitive life, whereas after they began to build more permanent settlements, larger fields and more livestock quickly followed.

Quakarans are still mostly farmers and shepherds, which they excel at, and those who are not are often entertainers, as music, dance and acting are all famous passtimes of many Quakarans.

All Quakarans are small folk, with so few exceptions that they are hardly worth noting. These small folk of the north are called halflings in Sarkaran, and both their culture and their language is often simply called "Halfling" by outsiders, especially Sarkaran speaking. They have light olive skin, often with freckles, with brown and dark red hair being the most common.

They primarily worship Meluana and Rhya, the former in their daily lives, when working and farming, and the later mostly for big moments of transition and change, like births, weddings, deaths and during the three yearly festivals.


Major language groups and dialects

Quakaran is the language of the Quakarans. It is usually called "Halfling" by outsiders, as the Quakaran culture and the subgroup of Summerkin known as halflings is more or less one and the same. Quakarans from Boolawong and the planes south and east of Greypine Forest also often speak Sarkaran.


Languages: Quakaran - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Sickle, Sling, Shortsword, Pike

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Cook's utensils, Weaver's tools, Tinker's tools, A musical instrument
A Quakaran bard.
The city of Boolawong on the edge of Greypine Forest.


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