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Shadowkin are the fourth and final of the First Races, and the creations of Baal the Betrayer. They are numerous enough around Sildair, but are shunned like no other race, and were the primary advesaries of most of the other races during both the first and second War of Ashes. Near the end of the Silver Epoch, no shadowkin have been seen by other civilisations for centuries, and are almost considered a myth.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Shadowkin are generally thinner and whispier than their human cousins, And about the same height. Men and women vary in height similarly to humans as well, and due to their skinniness, this means that male shadowkin tend to appear very lanky. The most distinguishing feature of shadowkin is their black skin, which ranges from light grey to onyx black, but is always entirely devoid of colour. Their facial features are smooth, and they have no protruding noses. Their eyes are completely black, with no visible iris or pupil. Shadowkin mature physically at around age 15, and their natural lifespan is between 55 and 75 years.

Civilization and Culture


The history of the Shadowkin is not well known by the other races of Sildair. Ever since the war of Ashes, they have, in all the Brightkin kingdoms at least, been considered enemies, and treated as such. As a consequence, Shadowkin have made their home in two places, for most of history: on the Ash Wastes, and underground, sometimes alongside Dark Elves. The instigator of the Second War of Ashes: Ashagor the Despoiler, considered a Shadowkin by many historians, was in fact, as the Shadowkins' own history reveals, a hybrid shadowkin, his father being a half-orc. He is none the less revered as a hero among the Shadowkin.


The Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rules for Shadowkin in Sildair:
ability score increase: Hybrid Shadowkin increase their INT by 2. Full race Shadowkin also increase their CON by 1, and choose to increase either WIS or CHA by 1.
age: Shadowkin have a natural lifespan between 55 and 75 years.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Any granted by their cultural background.
race features:
Hybrid Features:
One With the Shadows:
Shadowkin can attempt to hide in dim light as though it were darkness.
Superior Darkvision: Hybrid Shadowkin have superior darkvision and will get full darkvision even with one parent without darkvision, and darkvision up to 120 feet if the other parent race has normal darkvision.

Full Race Features:
True Darkvision:
Full race shadowkin see with their eyes, like other creatures, but ignore all forms of natural darkness, seeing as normal even in total darkness. However, They treat bright light in the same way other races treat dim light, meaning they consider everything they try to percieve with their eyes as lightly obscured, because the brightness forces them to pinch their eyes. Magical darkness affects Shadowkin in the same way as everyone else.
Shadowkin Darkness Magic: Shadowkin that reach Fifth level can cast the "Darkness" spell once per day, using their Int as their spellcasting ability.
Sunlight Sensitivity: Shadowkin have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when they, the target of their attack, or whatever they are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
65 years
Average Height
152 cm - 213 cm
Average Weight
45 kg - 85 kg


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