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The Zashoans are a disperate people who live in the south west of Sildair in the lands that once was the kingdom of Zashoana; all but destroyed during the Second War of Ashes. These days Zashoana consists of a multitude of citystates, lawless areas, and endless wild jungle and prairies. For a long time after the fall of Zashoana most people steered clear of the wild and dangerous areas, but over the years the lack of a governing structure has attracted people of all kinds: refugees from persecution, fortune seekers and criminals. These have established their own cities, each a state in its own right, bound together with the wider Zashoan culture only by language and geography.

There are many opportunities in Zashoana for fortune seekers courageous (or foolish) enough to brave the jungles, or go searching through the ruins of the fallen kingdom, and along the coast there are whole communities dedicated to piracy. However, most Zashoans are still just farmers or hunters, living in small communities who seek only to survive and stay safe from those who would persecute them.

Zashoans are among the most diverse people in all of Sildair, made up as they are of humans from the fallen kingdom, outcasts from all over Sildair who have come there to make their own communities, orc tribes who stayed behind after the Second war of Ashes, and fortune seekers who end up living there for generations. Demonkin in particular have made the western coast of Zashoana their home.

Pretty much all the gods of the pantheon are worshipped in Zashoana, from Asha & Orgus among the orcs, to Ethelaius among sailors and the Lords of Malice among raiders, bandits and pirates. Among the tieflings of the Corsair Coast Jariko is the most revered.


Major language groups and dialects

The language of the old kingdom, called Zashoan, is still spoken by most in Zashoana. While the inhabitants of the land now comes from all over the world, and many still speak their own languages, those who have lived there for a few generations have learned Zashoan, to have a language that binds them together with their neighbours.


Languages: Zashoan - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, Javelin, Scimitar, Hand Crossbow

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Navigator's tools, Cartographer's tools, Poisoner's kit, Woodcarver's tools
A half orc pirate captain from the Corsair Coast.
Deep in the Zashoan jungles are the remnents of a civilization much older even than the kingdom of Zashoana. The ancient ruins were considered forbidden heresy, and so were left untouched and eventually forgotten during the Golden epoch, but now that the jungles are no-mans-land more and more adventurers are beginning to seek them out.


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