Ancient Elders

The Ancient Elders were created by Dranu and tasked with creating everything in the multiverse. There were orginally thirteen of these primordial beings. Kazek Mu'naar, the Great Destroyer, was cast out by his siblings shortly after their creation. The rest of these beings created reality as we know it. Ancient texts reveal their names and purviews as follows:

  • Aethralis, the Celestial Weaver - Creator of the Stars and Destiny.
  • Terramor, the Earthshaper - Creator of Mountains, Caverns, and Tectonic Forces.
  • Aquastra, the Oceanmother - Creator of Seas, Storms, and Underwater Realms.
  • Zephyros, the Skyward Sovereign - Creator of Winds, Weather, and Flight.
  • Pyroclasm, the Flamebearer - Creator of Fire, Volcanoes, and Destruction.
  • Silvanthor, the Verdant Guardian - Creator of Forests, Plants, and Wildlife.
  • Thalvira, the Timeless Seer - Creator of Time, Past, and Future.
  • Serpentis, the Serpentine Serpent - Creator of Chaos, Trickery, and Change.
  • Illuminara, the Lightbringer - Creator of Sunlight, Enlightenment, and Knowledge.
  • Nocturna, the Shadowmistress - Creator of Darkness, Secrets, and Dreams.
  • Nyxarion, the Voidbringer - Creator of Space, Cosmic Forces, and the Unknown.
  • Eldertide, the Worldfather - Creator of Creation, Balance, and the Prime Material Plane.

The Birth of the Gods


The Ancient Elders grew lonely in their creation, and so used their combined powers to manifest the Gods. As their children, the Gods loved the Ancient Elders and were pleased to marvel at the creation their parants had made. To ensure that the Gods wouldn't get lonely, the Ancient Elders also spun lesser life into existence. These mortals had no divine power, but some grew to be quite powerful despite this limitation. The Gods were charged with ruling over these lesser beings, with certain rules in place.

The Chain of Divinity



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