
Dranu was the original primordial being. They sang the multiverse into existence, and from it all reality sprang.


The best philosophers cannot fathom from where Dranu came, nor can anyone decide on the being's gender or makeup. Dranu is largely a fragment of creational mythology, though some ancient texts reference their existence. Dranu has no worshippers or shrines, having no followers that anyone has ever been able to find. Some believe Dranu is just a world engine, having moved on to some other unknown part of reality to create and enjoy an entirely new multiverse. Other's believe Dranu is a silent force still with us, softly maintaining the song that keeps the fabric of reality woven together.


Regardless of belief, no one has seen Dranu referenced in modern history. Even the epic wars of eras past have not been enough to make them interfere. One wonders what it would take to bring them into the open...


Whether or not Dranu exists or is still invested in the reality they created is a hotly debated topic among theologians. Many hold to this mythology simply because of the romanticism associated with a being that literally sang the multiverse into existence. Few of the common folk even know of this aspect of history. As far as they're concerned, everything begins and ends with the Gods. Little do they know that there is so much more...


Creation of the Ancient Elders


Happy with their creation, Dranu created the Ancient Elders to further refine what was actually in the multiverse. Thirteen of these beings were created from the fabric of reality itself. The Ancient Elders created and warred, but they were the original architects of the world as everyone knows it.


Creation of Miek'Jakar


Dranu was wise enough to know that all of creation could eventually become threated. They knew that the Balance must be maintained at all costs, even when it's not necessarily the most popular choice. To ensure this happened, Dranu created Miek'Jakar to be their warrior. This angelic being's power was unrivaled in the multiverse, and it's dedication to the purpose for which it was created was unwavering.

The Chain of Divinity



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