
The Ta'tunes were created by Miek'Jakar as her ambassadors and champions of the Balance. Originally there were only two Ta'tunes, a pair of elven brothers known as Zane and Kriel. They were elevated to this status when Angel infused them with some of her divine power. They were sent to guide mortals towards maintaining the Balance, without them knowing about it. Over the ages they've used their power and influence to help mortals become great champions, who eventually went on to change the course of history. More mortals were elevated into the Ta'tune "family" over time, creating a vast network of these ambassadors and champions of Miek'jakar. Their presence and shenanigans are legendary and borderline myth, and those who meet them are bound to have their lives changed forever.


The Brothers Ta'tune


Originally there were only two Ta'tunes: Zane and Kriel. Ages ago, these brothers were elven orphans who survived on their own in the world, moving from city to city across Kaerel. Zane took naturally to magic, and Kriel was a powerful psionic. Together they were indomitable. They used their power to keep the peace wherever they went, no matter what it cost. They didn't know it at the time, but they were experiencing the will of the Balance. After observing them for some time, Miek'jakar approached the brothers and offered them her deal. Zane and Kriel were happy to accept and have been wreaking havoc ever since.

The Chain of Divinity




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