Miek'jakar, also known as Angel, was created by Dranu as a protector of the Balance. Dranu understood that everything must be held together in balance for existence to persist. This means that good must never rise above evil, nor darkness above light. To this end, Dranu created a great champion with enough power to enforce this fundamental law of reality. Angel was tasked with maintaining the Balance at all costs, even if it meant destroying that which is considered good and holy. Her role is not to take sides, but to restore the scales whenever they tip too far in one direction. Sometimes this is a subtle action only, one that can have a rippling consequence that would otherwise upset the Balance sometime in the future. Other times this requires a more direct approach, such as destroying an entire city on the brink of ripping apart the fabric of reality. Miek'jakar answers only to herself and is the final arbitrator when it comes to protecting the multiverse.
Creation of the Ta'tunes
Miek'jakar created the Ta'tunes as her champions and ambassadors. These strange beings were initially two brothers, Zane and Kriel. Over time their family grew as Angel created more Ta'tunes to help guide mortals towards maintaining the Balance. Ta'tunes can be elevated from any of the mortal races. They are imbued with divine power in agreement to follow Miek'jakar's commands, no matter what they are. They have been loyal servants from the start, and no Ta'tune has ever been known to break the pact. Some wonder if they even can...
The Chain of Divinity
Sang the multiverse into existence
Kazek Mu'naar
The Great Destroyer
Ancient Elders
Shapers of the multiverse
Protector of the Balance
Champions of the Balance
Kazek Mu'naar