
The Ancient Elders grew lonely in the eons after they shaped the multiverse. To remedy this, they created the Gods to keep them company. The Gods marveled at their parent's creation and explored the wonders it contained. To ensure that the Gods didn't get lonely, the Ancient Elders also created mortals for them to watch over. The mortals were shaped in the image of the various Gods, though they lacked the divine power that made them such formidable beings. Still, they challenged the Gods on occasion and sometimes succeeded.


Strictly speaking, the Gods don't need mortals in order to exist. However, they are bound by divine law to watch over them, but to never interfere in their affairs directly. This often leads to elaborate games of cosmic chess, with the mortals as the pieces. Sometimes the mortals are willing participants, other times not so much. The Gods rule over every aspect of mortal existence, from life to death and after.


Spheres of Influence


The Gods were created to rule within certain purviews called Spheres of Influence. These are the areas that the deities have the most control over. While all of them are powerful, immortal beings in their own right, each is even more powerful when acting within their Sphere of Influence. Sometimes these spheres overlap and such Gods are typically allies, though not always the case, especially with the evil deities. The Gods squabble and war just as much as the mortals do. They have the same base desires, though on a more epic scale and with the means to satisfy them. Sometimes they even have the mortals fight their wars for them.




On rare occasions, Gods have been known to sleep with mortals. The resulting children from these unions are called Demigods. These beings are sometimes accepted and sometimes shunned, depending on who their parents are. While not fully divine beings, they have enough latent divine power to make them powerful creatures. The power they inherit is colored by the Sphere of Influence of their parent, and how they use it is completely up to them.

The Chain of Divinity



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