
The Country of Faeries

Barcilacia is the home of the Fairy Kingdom, after the land was seized by bitter and power-hungry rebels in the aftermath of the Royal Cleansing, the land was ruled with a tyrannical might. The old capital Accavecchia houses the old tainted castel of House Drebekor, the previous ruling family. It is currently a terribly tainted land unsafe for all.
Barcilacia is currently a Gerontocracy, the land is presided over by elders in the fairy community.  

Arrival of the Fae and the downfall of Drebekor

As crime grew more and more common in the age of Drebekor people started leaving the towns of Barcilacia to take refuge in the beautiful woodlands of their country. Soon only gangs and criminals lived in the built-up areas and the more innocent common folk hid away trying to live off the land. A group of fae who had been hunted across from Unsvi took refuge in one such forest dwelling. After convening with the folk who had abandoned their homes the fairies of the fae group decided to stay and help the struggling innocent civilians learn how to utilise the land through praise of the nature deities and fae-like methods of farming and building.
As time passed the fairy people and those taught by them scattered to other areas of wilderness in Barcilacia to assist others struggling. Overtime, these people grew to look up to the fairies and sort them for all kinds of assistance. A strong bond between the fae-folk and the outlanders formed, and was eventually discovered by Hilder Drebekor around 400 years ago, a dame of the ruling family.


The Barcilacia "Combined Military at Arms", also known as the conglomerate of anyone who wanted to be paid to be a crook, was a force that acted as a military for House Drebekor. It comprised of soldiers, mercenaries, criminals and anyone else who was ready to kill for a home. After Hilder's obsessive investigations of the fairy led to her discovery of a potential threat to her families rule, she was allowed to assist the leading in banishing the fairy-folk.
  However, it was not a hard war to fight for the faeries, by using the magics of Chauntea the goddess of agriculture and Tymora the Goddess of good fortune, as well as having the forest advantage the combined powers of the Fairy and outlanders were able to quickly deal numbers on the Drebekor family.
  To prevent the war from seeing like such a lost cause, the growing insane Hilder instructed her army to set any tree or plant on fire without question. Suddenly Barcilacia was ignite, most the peaceful wilderness was erupted in flames, and much of the beauty of the great tree's and unique flowers where overtaken with death. In retaliation, the fairies taught one final skill to their allies. The power of fae poison.
  It was an equally drastic move, but the fae filled the rivers and wells with very potent poison, and in a matter of a week the few towns that still stood in Barcilacia fell silent. Those who lived in the wilderness moved back into the quiet towns as their homes were mostly burnt. No new ruling family was ever put into power, the people just continued to look toward the fairies for guidance and assistance in rebuilding their beautiful nation.
  Any survivors of the Drebekor reign were put to a jury to determine if they wilfully assisted in the Drebekor regime or where blackmailed into it. Those who refused where forced to work manual labour to help regrow the lands to their pre-burnt state.    

Modern Era

Barcilacia is a hearing country, they have never been a big player in the world of Skålnir and that is part of why its people love it. It is quiet and peaceful now, with the Fairy population expanding through the remains of the Civil war. Both The Kingdom of Anzia and The Vastelian Empire do not see Barcilacia as an independently ruled nation. This is primarily due to the distaste these governments had with the previous House Drebekor who are seen as traitors to their original Anzian throne.
  Although the Fae try a little to mend these relationships, they currently focus inwardly to rebuild their own relationships.    

Magic in Barcilacia

Being ruled by Fae, Barcilacia are more open than others to magic, it is illegal to create mage-punk devices within their borders, however, they do allow those who have gotten their devices elsewhere. They do not support the Aether
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