Kingdom of Anzia

The Flying Flauratross

A Flauratross is a rare species of turtle that has the ability to use air currents and magic to fly. They are often around one meter long but can grow to be longer with some elder Flauratrosses reaching five to ten meters across. 
The Kingdom of Anzia's capital travels on the back of a humongous Flauratross named Skjótr that travels across the lands of Anzia. It spends most of its time resting on land where it sleeps, and is currently situated in Picanonera where it has laid for hundreds of years. Because of this Picanonrea has grown into quite a populated city and is often also called the capital of Anzia.
Many other flauratross come to Skjótr and so the area is heavily populated with flying turtles. They are often kepts as pets similar to horses and are used to travel and fish. Picanonera has the largest fishing infrastructure on Skålnir. It uses fish as its primary trade resource with The Vastelian Empire, Barcilacia and especially The Kingdom of Marbia.
  Anzia is quite a wealthy nation riding on the triumphs and riches of the Tyrant Queen Leona 's Sziks Empire. They have good friendly ties to their neighbouring nations apart from with Barcilacia where there are still feelings of betrayal from the Royal Cleansing.
  The main threat to Anzia is the growing spread of the great darkness that spreads through the Kingdom of Marbia and into their lands. However, the only reports of this as of now are far north where there is very space population and built-up towns. These far northern Anzian lands are home to communities of The Slovan Spirits who like to separate themselves from the more structured pantheons and built-up populations of southern Anzia.

The Grand Autocracy 

Anzia is split into eleven provinces where each province has a delegated member who forms the royal cabinet. Currently, Anzia is ruled by King Drusaila Trirzos a blue Dragonborn. The Drusaila line has ruled since the fall of Queen Leona and was previously an ally to her, however they turned against her in the war and now sit on her riches. 
Anzians are wealthy people, and from this, they are often quite cheerful yet slightly pompous. They live in safety and security and crime rates are low, however, the far-northern province of Ublar, with the prominent Slovalian population has been recently seen protesting the government in the capital, a rare occurrence for the followers of the Slovally Spirits to be doing as they often keep to themselves even in the most trying of times. 
Their protests are constantly silenced, their notice board postings disposed of, and their vocal protests silenced.

Magic in Anzia

Magic is a complicated topic in Anzia, on one hand, many Anzian families come from the old Aether families that ran to The Sziks Empire during the Royal Cleansing and so there are many families with history in the magics however, Anzia neighbours The The Mordamatorian Theocracy, a very anti-mage nation. This has led to Anzia taking a fairly anti-magic political view in an attempt to maintain healthy relations with the Theocracy. This said, within the public mage-punk devices are not frowned upon and there is no prejudice against those who use them.
Opinion on Magic: Complicated