Mailnaira (mai̯l-nai̯ra)

Mailnaira, a prominent member of the alliance opposing the Barion Commonwealth on the Verdant Sea, is a realm where spirituality and harmony with nature form the cornerstone of its society. It still controls a large amount of true land, even after having lost sizeable northern territories to empire. Together with Gohae and Kaolao, Mailnaira stands as a testament to a different way of life, one deeply rooted in religious values and a profound connection with the natural world.


Mailnaira is governed by a constitutional monarchy. The high sage, a figure both of political and religious significance, is guided by a constitution and the counsel of respected elders. The title of High Sage is not strictly hereditary; in all technicality anyone may present their child as a potential heir to the seat. A series of trials is then used to determine their candidacy. The next sage is not as much chosen, as it is found.
Additionally, the society is organized into a loose caste system, which, despite its hierarchical nature, emphasizes unity and harmony above rigid social stratification. One of the core tenets of Mailnaira is that one's place is determined by providence itself. As such adhering to one's given role is considered more important than the divide between castes of roles. In addition, realising one's destiny supercedes the hierarchy. However what counts as destiny is a religious affair, and determined by the religious authorities.


Spirituality and religion is core to society in Mailnaira. One pervasive practice is meditation, reflecting their belief in inner peace and attunement with nature. Believed to strengthen their bond with the natural world, it is done before and after any choice or important activity.
Harmony and peace is another highly valued aspect of Mailnairan life. Those who are disagreeable and choose to start conflict are often condemned and shunned, though forgiveness is also part of the tenets of their faith. Additionally, humility in one's role and general disposition is highly praised, though this can feel performative at times to those unfamiliar with the local culture.

Demography and Population

Mailnaira does not have strict regulations surrounding census, so the number of inhabitants is unknown. In addition, a majority of the population is decentralised and agrarian, living and working throughout the kingdom's vast landmass. Estimates of the population range anywhere between 29 to 38 million. Its residents are mostly Sase-Anor, though there are a large number of Melgma and Viraja also part of the population.


Before the war with the Barion Commonwealth, the Mailnairan military was minimal, with only a small standing army. However over the course of the last 3 years, Mailnaira has begun conscription efforts and vastly increased the size of its military. However the army lacks training and resources making it ineffective. Small scale skirmishes with Barion have only ended in costly victories or defeats so far.

Technological Level

While Mailnaira lags behind its neighbors in technological advancement, it has a sophisticated caste of mages. The priests of their religion are highly capable Contractors and Petitioners, in addition to the variety of miracles they can manifest. In addition, there are many skilled in anoran leytapping. However these practitioners typically shun all but the most necessary tools and aides, relying on their skill alone to shape the sap. Though a testament to their true skill, it gives the appearance of a more primitive ability.


Be it the actual rituals and practices or following the teachings as a law or guidance, religion is central to the lifestyle of all Mailnairans. The doctrine of the Bailmao, which is the predominant and official state religion, surrounds primarily nature and ancestral spirits. It is the role of the sages, its priests, to act as diplomats with the spirits. Many are greatly skilled in creating Paishan Contracts and in the art of Transient Petitioning , which are used frequently.

Agriculture & Industry

With its large territory of arable land, mailnaira is the largest agricultural provider in the Verdant Sea, though with the loss of its northern territories, that economic power has considerably decreased. The Bailmao Sages also kept excellent relations with sthrena, binding them and creating contracts to ensure healthy harvests, greatly increasing their yield.

Blessed with Harmony

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


Kaolao and Mailnaira have little in common, yet they share a mutual respect for the other's strengths. They are cosignatories of the Southern Alliance.

Uneasy Alliance

It has come to blows between Barion and Gohae. Both hate what the other stands for, but Barion currently does not see Gohae as a threat.
Gohae and Mailnaira are in an uneasy alliance. While they agree on prioritising the preservation of their independence and of the natural world around, they agree on little else.

At War

Early victories against an unprepared Mailaira have lead Barion to discount them as a threat.