Fort Solis

Established by the The Aeternus Imperium to prevent Bjornheimer raiders from coming through the waterway to attack Imperial settlements. It now acts as a key military outpost for Imperial power projection into Eldonia. It was upgraded during the Turian - -Imperial War with new architectural feats, including 2 water gates to protect the inner harbor.   Shaped roughly like a hexagon with a narrow bottom, Fort Solis straddles a naturally occurring deep water inlet with sheer cliffs to either direction of the fort up and down the shoreline.   There's a scattering of farm and ranches inland and outside the walls that supplement the demand for food. A village of 3-400 people, traders and professions to support the 3,000 soliders and sailors which occupy the fort's power.


300 civilians 3,000 soliders, sailors and support staff.
Military, Camp
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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