Captain Barrow’s Sea Pie

In the bustling port city of Rookhelm, nestled in the commercial heart of Edison, there exists a beloved dish known as Captain Barrow’s Sea Pie. This savory pie, filled with an assortment of fish, seafood, and hearty vegetables, is said to have a rather humorous and legendary origin that captures the spirit of the Alsian people.

Long ago, during the early days of post-Burn recovery, a renowned yet bumbling Explorer named Captain Horatio Barrow set sail on an ill-fated expedition across the Altian Ocean. Captain Barrow was infamous not only for his clumsy demeanor but also for his insatiable appetite. His ship, the Lady Luck, was as much a floating pantry as it was a vessel of exploration.

One fateful evening, as the Lady Luck sailed through a particularly tempestuous storm, Captain Barrow, in his usual state of obliviousness, ordered his Cook to prepare a grand feast to lift the crew’s spirits. The cook, a crafty old Sailor named Jeb, decided to play a little trick on the ever-demanding captain. With the ship tossing about and supplies running low, Jeb scrounged up whatever ingredients he could find: a few fish, some Mud Crabs, a handful of root vegetables, and a nearly empty barrel of ale.

Jeb threw the ingredients into a pot, added some flour and spices, and created a thick, bubbling stew. As the storm intensified, the pot was accidentally knocked over into a pie crust that had been set aside for a more traditional meal. In a hurry to serve the captain before the stew completely spilled, Jeb hastily folded the crust over the mess and threw it into the ship’s oven.

When the storm finally subsided, Captain Barrow emerged from his quarters, his nose leading him to the galley. He took one look at the hastily made pie and, despite its dubious origins, declared it the most delicious meal he had ever tasted. The crew, equally hungry and curious, followed suit and soon found themselves in hearty agreement.

Captain Barrow’s Sea Pie quickly became a staple on the Lady Luck and, upon their return to Rookhelm, the legend of the accidental dish spread like wildfire. Today, every Alsian in the city enjoys this hearty pie, chuckling at the memory of the bumbling captain who, quite literally, stumbled upon culinary greatness in the midst of a storm.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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Jul 10, 2024 10:55 by Keon Croucher

First off, go Dimi go!!!! Its so cool to see your creative side so active this way. We (understandably) do not get to see it as much as we'd all like. This is a very cool little food myth, and I like it isn't a myth directly about what the food does to the individual so much as its a myth of its origin, cause that's one of those kinds of myths that's really easy to buy into and really sink into cause the concept is so real, like it happens all the time with real foods we have now, their place or method of origin gets lost in the wash or muddled, or downright changed. So I like that direction, it feels very grounded but really fun to buy in with, imagining the scenario described, this captain, the old cook, how these interactions might have played out, its a fun story to consider.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization