Volirath Island

Volirath's a place where hard work meets smart tech. Every day, walking through those fields and seeing the greenhouses shine, you know you're part of something big. It's all about feeding our people and keeping the land alive
— Jasper Thorn, Foreman at Evergreen Farms

Volirath is the agricultural heart of Edison, situated in the caldera of an ancient and long-inactive volcano. This natural formation provided Volirath with its own rocky flood wall and an exceptional basin that preserved its fertile soil during the Burn. The high crater walls effectively keep the salty sea air out of the lush agricultural area, creating an ideal environment for farming.

Geography and Environment

The air in Volirath is fresh with the scent of earth and growing plants. Rolling fields of crops stretch out in neat rows, interspersed with clusters of greenhouses. Among these greenhouses, the most notable are the towering vertical greenhouses made of brass and glass. These multi-tiered structures maximize the use of space and harness the sun's energy efficiently, creating a warm and vibrant environment for a variety of crops.

Additionally, Volirath features glass domes that emulate tropical environments, allowing for the cultivation of exotic fruits and plants that would otherwise not thrive in its temperate climate. Inside these domes, the air is rich with the scent of ripe mangoes, bananas, and other tropical fruits.

Irrigation and Water Supply

A significant feature of Volirath is its sophisticated irrigation system, fed by an underwater lake located within the crater. This natural freshwater reservoir supplies a network of wells throughout the island, ensuring a constant and abundant source of water for irrigation. The irrigation system is meticulously maintained, allowing crops to remain lush and green even during dry spells.

The edges of the crater are lined with terraced fields, which make efficient use of the sloped terrain for agriculture. These terraces are irrigated by a series of channels and pipes that distribute water evenly across the levels, preventing erosion and maximizing arable land.

Agricultural Practices

Volirath's agricultural practices are enhanced by the use of steam-powered automatons. These mechanical devices, with their brass limbs and whirring gears, are employed in the sowing and harvesting processes in the open fields. Designed to withstand harsh conditions and work tirelessly, the automatons handle tasks such as planting seeds and harvesting crops with precision, working in harmony with human farmers.

Evergreen Farms is one of the notable establishments in Volirath, renowned for its vast fields of grains and vegetables. The integration of advanced technology and traditional farming methods has made Volirath a model of agricultural excellence in the Eldwell Empire.

Technological Integration

The steam-powered automatons in Volirath are an integral part of its farming operations. These devices perform labor-intensive tasks, allowing for increased efficiency and productivity. The vertical greenhouses and tropical glass domes are equipped with advanced hydroponic systems, ensuring optimal growth conditions for a wide range of crops.


Volirath exemplifies the successful blend of natural resources and technological innovation in agriculture. Its fertile fields, sophisticated irrigation system, and use of advanced farming techniques make it a vital part of Edison's food supply. The lush green landscapes, combined with the gleaming brass structures of the greenhouses and the steady hum of the irrigation system, create a unique and productive agricultural environment.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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