
The Solspire stands 450m high above the highest point of Edison city, its higher point, 1km from the sealevel at the time of its construction. The Solspire is the ultimate testament of the ingenuity and cooperation of the 5 million Alsians that call Edison city and its enclaves, home.

The Solspire is the biggest Electrum solar sail ever created, and at the time of its creation it was responsible for powering Edison city's most important infrastructure, heating, water desalination, and food growing now drew their power from the sail. The triangular Electrum solar sail turns around the structure during the day always facing Solis shining indigo blue and glistening like a lighthouse for tens of kilometers. On the other side of the spire stands the clock of King George, a gigantic 10 meters in diameter clock that can be seen from almost the edge of the city.)

It's main spire is made out of Steel, Brass and bronze smelted out of the remains scavaged from the undewater parts of the city, black marble slabs of the now-submerged palace complex and glass panels forged in the new glassworks of the city, inscribed with the names of single one of the one and a half million people that helped bring it to life, all at the same size except of Empress Sophronia II which is etched across the highest brass panel taking the whole of the circumference of the massive clock tower.)

The Spire Districts

The Solspire apart from serving as the giant mast for the Electrum sail it is also serves a variety of other needs of the city.
The spire extends 111 floors above ground and 120 floors underground, bringing it first floor at the same level as base of the city's flood wall defenses. Most of the city's districts have underground tunnels that extend radially inwards towards the tower itself giving everyone in the city quick access to the main vertical elevators of the city.

Imperial Palace

Level 111-101

In the ten top floors of the Solspire are taken by the Imperial Palace. The Palace itself is separated into the Throne Room, the Council Room, the Great Hall, where the Empress holds some of the most prestigious ceremonies and events, The Queens and Guest quarters and of course an array of service and utility rooms and servant quarters. The Imperial Palace is protected by an array of Radiant Shield posts, Secure entrances and 8 batteries of the most advanced Electrum cannon turrets. The 2 top floors of the Imperial Palace are taken by "The Observatory" the Queen's private observation balcony that in it center holds a massive Telescope able to look both across the skies and the seas surrounding Edison. The central column of the Imperial Palace is taken by the Solspires lightning rod that prevents any of the lightining from any storm hitting the city but also is able to be used to charge the crystal power banks of Edison. The Rod travels across the whole of the spire all the way down to its underbelly and also serves at the top anchor for the Solar Sail of the tower.

The Vault

Level 100

The Imperial Vault is , exaclty what it sounds like. The whole 8-meters high level is a secure vault that one can gain access only via the single guarded entrance within the Palace above it. Legend has it that this vault alone holds more wonders than any other place in Nyria combined, but having seen the charitable work and money that the Empress spends from the royal treasury many believe it currently lays rather empty.

The Ministries Quarter

Levels 99-96

The three levels under the Vault and the palace are the Ministries. The place that the Beraucracy of the Empire takes and enacts all the decisions that shape the future of Eldwell. The Empresse's Ministers and a small army of clerks, mathematicians, financiers, scientists. philosophers and engineers work tirelessly to keep the empire moving forward. Although these quarters are only but a small part of the beraucratic machine they are its heart.
Calm Waters

Level 95-85

Calm Waters the first and one Edison's largest fresh water reservoirs. Calm Waters was a project that it was concepted and constructed as a symbol of percevierance. 4 separate tanks keep the water stored here filtered, fresh and clear and readily available if for any reason the city needs it. The water stored in Calm Waters is also used in the Salvation Green.
Salvation Green

Levels 85-60

The Salvation Green is one of the 4 Imperial Hydroponic Greenhouses of the Solspire District. It is an intricate semi-automated system that produces a wide variety of grains, nuts, Fruits and Vegetables that are sold in the markets of Edison at the lowest possible price in order to support the growing workers population of the city. The Salvation Green and its sister greenhouses produces enough food to feed over 15000 people across the year. Although this amount might be small compared to the population of the city, the Salvation Green was never meant to feed the whole city but to become an arc and a last line of defense during the early years of )The Burn when the population of the city was around 25,000 )Alsian souls. /p)

High Port

Levels 59-50

High Port is the first Airship port of Edison, Originally designed as a temple to Solis the port kepts its dramatic neo-gothic character and it is now one of the busiest civilian terminals of the empire. Tens of ships land there each day moving people from across the Imperial core and faraway kingdoms. The port's 8 piers can serve up to 32 ships at any given time and the corridors and massive statue-filled halls of the post are filled with the sounds and voices of hundreds of people. The 50th level serves as a customs quarter that allows for the check of papers of passengers coming from outside and inside the empire. They 59th floor of the Port hosts and additional 4 heavy load bearing piers and it is the only part of the port that cargo ships can unload small sized high-value cargo in the middle of the city. Precious metals, exotic animals, spices, mechanical components and alchemical alloys and tinctures all find their way into the city via Piers 5 to 8. )

The Heart

Levels 49-25

The Heart is Edison Islands power plant and power bank. The Heart is responsible for taking the energy captured by the Solar Sail of the Solspire and storing it massive electrum-infused quart crystal cells to be used at later time but also hosts the biggest steam generator in the island, that by using the energy of the cells makes water produced at the Saltbreaker into steam that is used in the Forgeyard in the deep bowels of the Solspire.

The People's Assembly 24-20

The People's assembly is the parliament of the 120 voted by the people representatives that operate as the Queen's eyes and ears to Edison and the rest of the empire. The Parliament has no real legislative, executive or judiciary powers but it does have the power to sway public opinion and it is protected as an institution by the queen. Many of the members of the parliament also have more localized powers like mayorial or colonial juristiction control.

Hall of the Fallen 19-15

Levels 19-15

The hall of the Fallen is a museum and memorial to all those that perished during The Burn. A solmen place that the names of hundreds of thousands of people names are inscribed on its walls filled with statues and paintings telling the story that shook the world.

Edisonne City Hall

Levels 14 to 10

The Edison City Hall is the Mayors office and administrative center of the city. Buy corridors filled with clerks and offices responsible for taxation, public works, management and everything else the city needs to continue operating.

The Mall 10 - -10

Levels 10 to -10

The great Market of the city. Connected all the districts of the city via the Solspire elevator or horizontal the underground passageways. On the 20 floors of the market one can find anything they need, Fruits, grains, meat, fish, tools, spices, tinctures, teas, mechanical devices of all kinds.

The Ditch

Levels -11 to -79

The Ditch is not only the biggest section of the Solspire but also the core of a whole District of the city. The Ditch is an entire underground district dug inside the mountain under the Solspire, Stormwatch and parts of the Wall districts. In the alleyways and undeground houses of the Ditch, thousands of the city's workers live most of their lives. The Ditch was originally dugout as an underground bunker to protect the citizens of the city and also to extract enough earth to raise the walls surrounding the Wall District, but as the decades past and more people came into Edison, it transformed initially into the slums of the city where everyone unable to find any other place to stay entered and started digging cave houses. Although the construction of the Solspire helped improve the conditions in the district by providing proper water supply, sewage and airation, the Ditch still remains the darkest and poorest part of all districts across all of the islands of the city.

The Saltbreaker

Levels -89 to -99

The Saltbreaker is the massive Water disalination plant of the city the provides clean water for the greenhouses and most of the residential parts of the city. A lot of work and care has been taken to make sure that the desalinated water is clean and mineraly balanced to protect the health of all citizens in Edison. The desalinated water of the Saltbreaker travels not only around Edison Ilsand but also in many of the other districts by an inticate network of under ground and under water pipes.

The Forgeyard -100- -120

Levels -100 to -120

The Forgeyard is the mighty underground Steelworks of Edison. Thousands of workers toil underground to melt Iron and infuse it with carbon by an industrial Alchemical catalyst. The steel created in the Forgeyard is used in both the city but also the construction and reinnovation of the naval and commercial, sea and air fleets of the empire.

111 floors overground and 120 floors underground
Founding Date
1858 AF
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Welcome to Solspire
Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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