Dagger Squadron

An elite dedicated space wing part of the Pacifica Liberation Front , Dagger Squadron operates as air support for operations occurring all over the Mid Rim, utilizing a high tech stealth frigate armed to the teeth with a wing of elite compliment of strike fighters piloted by the Front's best pilots. Dagger Squadron has a reputation as showing up when all hope seems lost, bringing retribution and victory to otherwise hopeless situations within the Liberation Front. The best of the best, Dagger Squadron has been recruiting high preforming aces from all over the sector. Their training is rigorous, and selection is a highly kept secret amongst only PLF leadership. Its pilots include agri-fliers, local militia pilots, ex-Imperial aces, smugglers, pirate enforcers and even rumors of a Psionic from Chandrill  They operate out of Tartarus, a hidden orbital station nestled somewhere in Pacifica space.
Military, Navy Squadron
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization


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