IPS-N T31 "Spear" Heavy Fighter

The IPS-N T31, also known as the Spear, is a heavy fighter intended to take on a bomber role built and manufactured by Interplanetary Shipping - Northstar. This fighter is utilized by a plethora of state and non-state actors within the Orion Arm. It is capable of being outfitted with a great number of missiles and torpedos, while also maintaining a high level of armor. It is capable of both orbital and sub-orbital flight, and can be outfitted with a Fusion Drive to operate on a system wide scale.   While technically oriented towards a bomber, it has been utilized and documented at being capable and dangerous at dogfighting, with some pilots leveraging its armored capabilities against more agile fighters. They are regularly used in long range patrols, and can be outfited with highly sophisticated radars and detection equipment.


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