Felucia Trade Way

Starting at Felucia Secundus and is the origin for the Felucia Trade Way. The Trade Way was supposedly discovered first by explorers and smugglers trying to get goods into Imperial Space. This trading route currently starts at the edge of the Throne Worlds, and threads its way through the Panem Region before heading into the Terminus Systems, and conjoining with the Musuran Line . It's helped accelerate expansion of the empire, as well as exploration into further regions. It is also one of the more recently discovered Golden Roads.   This way has made House Valois, (who claim no relationship with the Zym Cartel smugglers in Wild Space who also claim they founded the route) rich enough to muscle there way into Imperial Nobility, and has also been used primarily by Imperial Navy assets to exert control throughout the Terminus Systems.   The Trade Way is also a popular lane for smugglers, as the many scattered allegiances in the Terminus Systems allow them to divert from the prying eyes of a imperial patrol. This lane was one of the first established going all the way to the Outer Rim, and has become a popular route for treasure hunters and excavation expeditions. Pirates have begun to prowl the outskirts of the Trade Way, and has forced Imperial Admirals further away from their support in the Core Systems.


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