Musuran Line

A Golden Road that lies along the Mid Rim. The line was used by the now empowered Musuran merchant guilds, who established the line long before the Age of Silence.   The line originates on Cairo and navigates its way through the mid rim, through Pacifica and Terminus Systems, in particular Carthage before finally ending on Thassa VII in the Great Expanse. It is widely considered one of the most prominent golden roads that is not under the direct control of any particular entity, and is used by smugglers looking to dodge Colonial Earth Empire security forces.


The Musuran Line was first established by the Zlathan Highliners, made of their own design. These Highliners functioned as basic gates, and would eventually form the foundation for the interstellar gates that now occupy their space. Places like Port Tulum are a monument to this scientific achievement, which can still function as a Highliner if needed.    The spread of Seerism followed the jump lanes flown by pilots and traders, as believers and priests spread across the Mid Rim. Many colonies followed suit, often alongside or in the way of newly expanding Imperial Interests.


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