Throne Worlds

The Throne Worlds is the galactic center of the known galaxy, and beating heart of the Colonial Earth Empire. It is here where most of the Royal Houses of the Empire reside, and their systems are places to flex their wealth, and this place is home to many wealthy and powerful city worlds, with powerful industrial hubs, much like Babylon. These are in stark contrast to the handful of ultra-wealthy planets where the nobles have built up great defensive structures of wealth and are restricted entirely to their entire house, whole gaia planets filled with all manner of incredible gilded opulence. These are the Palatiums, used to show off the power of the most wealthy oligarchs and houses.     It is within these Palace Planets that great tourneys and feasts, each trying to prove themselves over one another through great speeder races, melee tournaments, great hunts, or all manner of activity that people with incredible levels of wealth would engage in. The Palatiums also serve as a bastion to show off their military power as well, boasting planetary defenses, their own personal Imperial Army regiment forces, bolstered by their own private House Security (usually under the guise of one of their private corpo security shells).   The few planets and systems that are occupied outside of those two categories, are those owned directly by the Empire directly.
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