Felucia Secundus

Originally given to a Judicar enforcer, who founded the original House of Steel from centuries ago, the Noble Family that owned Felucia Secundus thought only of the mining planet within the system (Felucia Prime), while Felucia Secundus had a barely habitable atmosphere for humans, it would serve as a decent base of operations for further Isotope-10 mining in the system. When the family funded an exploration outside of their gate, they found a jump lane that would eventually form the Golden Road, the Felucia Trade Way.   Since then, the planet of Felucia Secundus has since turned into a city-planet, with a massive royal ring around the exterior. The tithes collected as a shipping and exporting planet allowed the family to rocket into Imperial Nobility. This growth has lead to the planet being flooded with wealth, inter-galactic corporate interest, and Imperial Influence. Felucia has become one of the largest distributors of Melange, flooding the Imperial Markets with the good. This was a learned recipe they helped develop with corpos and imperial funding research subsidies.
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Gate System 
Security Rating
High Security


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