House of Steel

House of Steel was founded by a Samurai loyal to the House of Glass was risen to nobility and given Felucia Secundus as a grant of land. When the House of Steel funded several megaprojects, including the construction of an Interstellar Gate, that helped found the basis for the Golden Road, the Felucia Trade Way.   They have now muscled their way into the Imperial Nobility in recently, rivaling the power of the houses within the Throne Worlds. House of Steel has further tried to expand their influence further throughout the Terminus Systems. They have regularly deployed their army divisions to Tu'Kor, to assist the Imperial Navy in holding the planet. In return they have gained access to various mining contracts on the planet, where most of their divisions are deployed around.  

Minor Houses


With Steel, Power

Political, Family
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Fourth Column 
Army Regiment 
Felucia Steel Regiment

Articles under House of Steel

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