Alliance of United Stars

The Alliance of United Stars is one of the most progressive societies when it comes to the personhood of demon construct and their rights as beings. In fact, their emancipation is directly tied with the original charter that formed the alliance between Styx and Medina and continues to guide the current nation as it navigates new political landscapes. Some even state that the more radical elements of heli.OS find companionship in the Alliance, who see the struggle of freeing the remaining demon constructs as paramount to all else.   In the sea of conflict that is Pacifica, the Alliance posits itself as a lighthouse. They actively encourage the Pacifica Liberation Front in their wars against the Colonial Earth Empire, knowing that the Imperial Nobility only views Pacifica as a vast stepping stone in their colonial expansion towards the Outer Rim                 

WIP Notes

  Operating in Pacifica, the Alliance has close ties with the Union of Socialist Systems and actively opposes the Colonial Earth Empire in their galactic region. Also close with the Thondor Kingdoms and Musura Federation, opposed to the High Kingdoms of Carthage and Zym Cartel, great numbers of Seerism practicers.


The Alliance of Untied Stars arose during the Age of Silence at the apex of the Mechanicus Jihad. Styx, whose population was greatly beholden to the demon constructs who helped run the ring world, negotiated a series of accords with the not-human persons, and together they were able to reactive their local system's Interstellar Gate  When their ships reached Medina, they saw a world plagued by war, caught in the throes of one of the worst AI uprisings in the galaxy. The diplomats went to work, made up of both human and NHP. Together, they were able to sign similar accords to that of Styx, granting emancipation to to the demons and becoming the first nation-state outside of Sovereign Space to do so.    The government that formed in the aftermath was modeled after the leftist governments that had begun to sprout up during the Age of Struggle, such as the Union of Socialist Systems or the Red Sun Syndicates (before they backslid back into a capitalist economy), and saw rapid green industrialization of Medina.    Standards of living increased dramatically, and a mostly egalitarian and just society was formed during one of the darkest periods of human history. When the silence ended, they welcomed the Union with open arms, quickly forming an alliance with their comrades in Sovereign Space. This irked not only the Republican Remnant, but also the Musura Federation, who had hoped the home planet of the Zlathan people would be inclined to joining their own centrist federation.
Founding Date
221 BM
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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